Chapter 26: The Shock

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BOY! Is it good to be writing again. The homework is now limited so I have time to write my stories again!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! :DDDDDDDDDDDD (btw the song gets gud after da intro. It's one of my favourite songs It's Live It Up - Airbourne) (Oh and yeah,  I don't  have the app for sum damned reason. My iPad needs repaires, My computer has a Virus. My iPad is still working cuz  it magically switched on to life 2 months after I dropped it down the stairs. I checked the iPad to see if it was switched off once again and guess what. it did. At that exact moment, I thought "This iPsd is the damned illuminati himself." So That's why I haven't been typing and writing for months. I will be writing for iPad until I can get the damned virus off of my computer.(Keep in mind it's a Trojan) It's the iPad's decision to either let me publish or not. Soooooooooo, LET'S DO DIS MOTHAFUKAS (btw there will be a load of spelling problems) and MERRY LATE CRHISTAMS TO YOU ALL! (And a happy new year) 

P.S Sorry if I type wrong, I type better on the computer.


Chica's POV

 I was lying on my bed still crying with Tochi and Bon comforting me. They haven't left me. 

"Chica, do you want something to eat?" Bon asked me. 

"No, I'm fine." I said crying through my tears.

"I'm going to check up on Freddy." Tochi said going out of the room. He still must be upset, but he's handling it way better than me.

I hear a two cars pull up onto the parking lot of Fazbears' and hear the glass door open. I hear three pairs of feet, one mechanical. Bon looked out of the curtain hearing it also and turned to me. She helped me up and guided me towards the dining area. I see Mike and Jeremy with Foxy?!

"Foxy!?" I shout surprised. As soon as I said that Freddy came rushing out of his room. Also surprised.

"Chica!" Foxy said smiling.

I ran straight into his arms as he hugged me back.

"You're home." I whisper into his ear.

Tochi and Bonnie came out of their rooms and were surprised to see Foxy again.

"Foxy, I-." I stutter, I look at Tochi and Bon who were standing side by side and they both nodded once.

"I'm carrying our little one." I whisper into his ear. A moment later he stood frozen still, trying to process the words into his brain. 

"Foxy, you okay?" Freddy says worried.

"Chica, what did you tell him?" Freddy asked a bit worried.

"I'm pregnant." I say quietly now regretting telling Foxy.

I saw a sudden smile rise in Foxy's mouth

He went up and hugged me.

"Am I dreaming." He whispered into my ear.

I didn't know what to say.

"You are carrying my firstborn."  Foxy said sounding excited.

"Yes, I am." I say about to burst into tears.

"Excuse us." Foxy said to the others while he led me to the cove.

Freddy's POV

30 minutes later...

"Wow, I still can't believe Chica is pregnant." I say sitting in my room along side Tochi.

"Yeah, Neither can I." Tochi says to me holding my hand.

We stared at each other for a long time and then we started to make out.

"I love you Tochi." I say staring into her eyes.

"I love you too Freddy." She says also staring into my eyes.

(IM FUCKING BACK) Foxy x Chica (FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now