Chapter 19: The Marionette's Warning

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Foxy's POV

''Marionette, huh?'' I say questioning him.

''I also go as the puppet.''

''Riiiiiight.'' Bonnie said confused as hell.

''What brings you here?'' I ask him.

''I have come to give a warning.''

''Go on.'' I say grabbing two chairs for me and Bonnie.

''Well, Something is coming. It's not Springtrap. He's much worse...He will come in 10 months or so, and he will be a living nightmare. He's got his friends as well. They are also living nightmare's. Beware of them, they are fast, they are deadly and they are evil.''

''What are they?''


''But, good things will come out in that 10 months. You'll get some additions to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria.'' The marionette said.

''What kind of things?'' Bonnie asked.

''You'll see.'' He said when vanishing into the shadow's.

''Let's get some sleep.'' Bonnie said to me looking tired.

''Yeah, seeya.'' I said to Bonnie when he entered his room and I entered 'Pirate's Cove' without disturbing Chica.

(IM FUCKING BACK) Foxy x Chica (FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now