; pavitr prabhakar ❥ safe *

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❥ - fluff
character - pavitr prabhakar
takes place - mumbattan / pavitr's school
(pretend he doesn't have a girlfriend)
(this chapter wasn't edited, please don't make fun of it </3)
enjoy !

recently you had moved to mumbattan (unless you already lived there)
and you have so many things to say about it
like the traffic..
and the things that happen here.
like crime.
but you also learned of a certain hero.
'spider man' that's what the people call him.
you've seen him around, one time you even saw him feeding street dogs, it was adorable.

one day while you were in school you were sitting in full classroom, and a student came in, his name was pavitr, he has always been in your class, but for some reason you just started to notice him, and you kind of started to like him, it wasn't a big crush or anything, it was more of a 'hallway crush' but still, you couldn't help but glance whenever someone mentioned his name or he was talking.

you weren't exactly a popular kid in school, but you had friends, and nobody thought poorly of you, and pavitr had the same kind of reputation also, except because of his extroverted personality he was more popular.

you wanted to be friends with him, so you could really decide if you liked him or not, but you didn't know how to approach him.
you'd ask your friends about it but they weren't much of love experts, they mostly teased you for it in the end.

during lunch you decided to just approach him, but you needed to have a way to start off a conversation, maybe you could ask him if you could borrow a spare notebook, because you 'didn't have one' you knew he carried extras just in case.
but you still don't know if that's a good excuse.

you take a deep breath in as you walk towards the table he sat with, while he chatted to his friends, you turn around to your friends and they giggle and give a thumbs up, in full support.
pavitr's friends notice you were approaching and they nudged him, which caused him to look at you, you instantly see pavitr tense up and look away in a shy matter.
he doesn't seem like the shy type.
is he just uncomfortable around you? but what? does he not like you?
you think of the worse but you don't back away, for some reason at all your feet were too afraid to turn around.

"..hey pavitr.." you say as if he was the one that approached you.
"uhm..yes!?" he shouts a little loudly, as he covers his mouth and you see his friends snicker.

"uhh.." you were caught off guard by his friends, but continue, "do you have a spare notebook by any chance? I need one for the new unit in math but I don't have one," you ask as you struggle to even keep eye contact.
he doesn't reply, it made you feel anxious, so you quickly follow up with an excuse.
"I'll give it back by the end of the day and take the notes I wrote! and I'll get my own notebook tomorrow, I just need some paper..please?" you say hastily trying to convince him to give you a notebook, a notebook you didn't even need.

"oh ok!!" he says again, loudly, "but why would you ask me? why not your friends?" he asks in confusion.

it caught you off guard.
you had to think of something quick.

"well I just see you come to class prepared so I thought maybe I could ask you..uhm..actually never mind I can just go ask a teacher-" you say in defeat, feeling like it would be too stupid to keep on lying, but you got cut off.

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