; miles morales headcanons ❥ *

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a/n- I've been getting many many requests recently and it's really hard to keep up, so if you have requested something and I haven't done it, it's either because I'm getting to it or I can't even remember the request 😭 (im very sorry y'all 🙁

anyways, let's begin !

First dates ?
- a movie date
- or a park lunch/walk
- or maybe if there's an event, a fair or parade

Where he likes to kiss you
- lips (miles is that kind of man 💪🙄)
- cheeks

Contact names
his contact for you - green flag girl ( because his parents like you so you're a major green flag 😋)
your contact for him - very stylish man (because everyone always says his fashion statements are weird, you put in full support of what he likes 😼)

What he calls you
- y/n (for around his parents)
- babe (he'd use this one as a joke)
- angel (he would use this as a joke too but he actually likes the nickname also)
- he would most likely just call you a nickname of your own name

What it's like dating him as a shy person
- he would flirt with you to see your reaction
- he'd be kind of a bully but in the most respectful way
- if you were too shy to do something, he would be extremely encouraging
- he will hang out with only you at parties or something if you were too shy to visit others

What it's like dating him as a emotionless/expressionless person
- he would be confused on how someone could even be as serious as you
- he'd always tell you jokes, trying to figure your humor out
- he likes your obliviousness when it comes to certain emotions
- he'll try and describe feelings to you to see if you've ever really felt that way, you think it's dumb but sweet

What it's like dating him as a confident person
- you guys will hype each other up any day
- he thinks he has good advice, and gives it to you, but then you give him better advice, and he's shocked
- he's confident but not that that confident, so he gets shocked at the way you picture yourself (in a good way)
- he 'absorbs' your confidence, so having you around has been better for him, he's happier, so it makes you happier too

What it's like dating him as a emotional person
- he gets nervous when you get worked up, he awkwardly comforts you, he tries his very best
- he likes you for your emotional feelings, he thinks it makes people more human, he also believes that emotional people have more open minded perspectives, so he feels like he can tell you about his problems
- if you get worked up, he tells you to take a break to calm down, and you two will watch a movie or go out to eat food so you can feel better
- he feels as if you're very understanding when it comes to emotions, so he always tell you how he feels

Scenarios !

(if you ever found out he was spider man)
you were sitting in a cafe with miles, when a big problem accrued in the city, so he quickly left you and then suddenly spider man came to save you, you wondered how he even came this quickly, when suddenly he says 'sorry I left' on accident, and you both paused for a second.
"...YOURE SPIDERM-?!" you screamed but was shut up.
"*ahem and change to a deep voice* w-what? uhm no, I think you are mistaken ma'am" he says nervously, he's a bad liar.

one time you guys were walking in the park when he trips over his shoe laces, it made you roll your eyes because people always asked him to tie them, but he never did, doing 'his own thing', he gets up and asks jokingly, 'aren't you gonna ask if I'm okay?' and you mark back with 'you choose to have your shoes untied, I'm not gonna ask you if you're okay because you clearly want to trip'. you say in a sassy tone.
"uhmmm, nooo? and I'm so hurt now, breakin my heart, cryin real tears 🙁," he whines.
"are you gonna tie your shoes?"
"then cry," you put a hand up to him like a 'don't talk to me' and you 'strut' away, but then you quickly turn as you guys burst out laughing, and you finally ask if he's okay.

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