; pavitr prabhakar ❥ adventure*

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here's fanart of pavitr I made because I was bored and I ❤️ him sm 🥺🥺 also I think I made his skin color too light 😭 I didn't mean to so I'll fix it soon 💔 but I still hope you guys like it cuz it took me an hour to make 😭
I don't think my art style matches pav very much so the more I stare the more I hate it, so I'll stop looking 😔

anyways, another pavitr one shot but the next chapters gonna be a miles earth 42 oneshot 😼

❥ - fluff
character - pavitr prabhakar
takes place - spider HQ + around the multiverse
enjoy !

warning : this chapter has a nsfw ( not with you or pav because you guys are minors 😭 ) and yea 😀...

pavitr prabhakar, a normal guy that was invited to HQ.
he was a fun and confident teenager.
but not around her.

y/n l/n.
the first time pavitr met her was at the spider society HQ.
at first he was confident and out going, but the more he talked to her the more shy and clumsy he became.
he really reallyy liked you.
but he didn't even realize his feelings.

it was obvious he did like you though.
well, it was obvious to everyone else but you.

and today, you two were assigned a mission together.
when pavitr heard about this, he was definitely excited.
but he was more nervous than anything else.

"c'mon man, you gotta go," hobie says to pavitr, while pushing him down the hallways of HQ to get to Miguel's office, that was where you were, because you were waiting for pavitr to show up for the mission.

"no! I cant," pavitr whines out, trying to maneuver around hobies hold.
his crush on you made him so clumsy to the point where it was embarrassing, and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of you.
he usually just admired you from afar, but hobie wasn't gonna let that happen, hobie was determined to help his friend out.

"its a mission! there's no way outta it! if ya don't go, Miguel's gonna chase you down," hobie replies.

reaching up to the door, pavitr becomes more frantic, still trying to escape hobies grasp.
pavitr's struggle causes to stumble, running into pavitr.
pavitr falls into Miguel's office, door flying open, landing face first.
hobie still held up his ground, so he didn't fall over, and once hobie realizes that pavitr is in the office, he gets out of there.

"cya bud," hobie rushes away, waving pavitr goodbye, even though pavitr couldn't see.

pav picks himself up, groaning in pain, he glances around the room, spotting a large figure, being Miguel.
pavitr laughs nervously, while looking a bit to the right, he sees you.
his face instantly becomes more flushed, his shoulders tense and he squished himself together to become more smaller, due to the embarrassment.
you just stare at him, but you give him a warm smile, trying to make it seem like his entrance into the room wasn't humiliating.

you were kind of nervous about being on a mission with pavitr.
he's always weird around you, which is odd behavior, he's usually confident, funny and charming, but around you it just looks like he wants to get away.
honestly, it sort of feels like he doesn't like you, which makes you sad, because you like him, you'd love to be his friend and hang out with him.
he seems like an amazing friend.
you don't know what you did to make him not like you.
so you try to look your best around him.
maybe then he'll begin to like you.

across the spider verse - oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora