; hobie brown ❥ 'enemies?' *

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thanks for the idea psychotic_heart !

❥ - fluff
character - hobie brown
takes place - on a mission
enjoy !

you were a spiderman just like everyone else here at HQ.
and if you worked at HQ, that means that you had to do missions.
and some times you'd have mission buddies.

speaking of such, you had a mission today, you heard you were gonna have a partner too, you didn't mind, not at all.
you just hoped it wasn't him..
and by him you mean hobie brown.
he always bugged you, and never left you alone, it was kinda hurtful, but you tried playing a act of being the 'tough guy', but sense you did that it has convinced him that you didn't pay mine to his words, so he teased you everyday, and it's made you think down on yourself.
if you had just told hobie that what he was saying was hurtful then he would've stopped, but you didn't know that.
so you considered him a 'enemy' in a 'joking' way, and that led him to think of you as a 'enemy' also.

anyways, you had to meet with Miguel to find out who your partner was, so you began walking over to where you were going to meet..
once you got there you saw Miguel and....hobie.
you're just gonna assume he's there to eavesdrop, you hoped that you actual partner would come eventually.

Miguel began to explain to you your mission objective, but you stopped him.

"shouldn't you explain this when both partners are here?" you asked, in a oblivious manner, because you were full on convinced that hobie was not your partner.

"he is here." Miguel said annoyed, like you were a idiot.
you raise an eyebrow and look around.

"where?" you asked confused.

"it's me," you hear a voice, turning, you see it was hobie, you groan.

"why himmmm?" you drag out your words, no slightly annoyed.

"y/n, you don't have a choice, deal with it." Miguel said, you scowl, crossing your arms, you hear hobie laugh at you.

finally, Miguel finished his instructions, you two had to stay over night and investigate this person called s/n (suspects name) because that man is assumed to be a highly wanted criminal that travels to multiverse to cause chaos, it was pretty stupid.
but the worst thing you heard was that you had to stay over night, with this guy.

being dismissed by Miguel, you walk up to a portal you opened, to get to the world that s/n is on, while you walk through the portal hobie trips you, making you have a cut off scream before tumbling into the orange doorway to another universe.

"hobie." Miguel said, hobie laughs.

"fine fine, im sorry." hobie chuckles.

"you'll say that to her, not me." Miguel glares.

"alrightt, chill," he brings his arms up in defense, and walks through the portal.

you land in the other dimension..on your face.
you get up with a groan, holding your head, you know hobie did that as a joke, but that hurt, and now you have a headache.
hobie jumps out of the portal, landing nicely on his feet.
you throw him a look and walk away, he scoffs, rolling his eyes.
clearly, he wasn't exactly getting your memo.

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