; pavitr prabhakar ❥ nervous *

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quick a/n- my birthday is coming up on June 23 so I'll be making a lot of 'birthday specials' where it's y/n's birthday and the character I chose to write about will celebrate it with y/n !

❥ - fluff
character - pavitr prabhakar
(also like before, pretend he doesn't have a gf)
takes place - mumbattan / pav's school
(sorry for the school pov's I just rarely write in those and they're really fun to do)

you were moving schools.

it made you feel pretty anxious, you didn't do well with change, and an entire different school? you felt faint, but your mom said you were dramatic.

it was the first day at your new school, and you were really hesitant.

"mommm...please?" you whine, trying to convince her by begging to let you stay home.

"no y/n. you have to go to school eventually, and why not start with everyone else? it's the first day of school so everyone's nervous, and there is going to be many other new students that are nervous like you." your mom says, and it's true, it would be more embarrassing to come in a day later than to be with everyone else.

"okayyy........" you sulk, dragging out your words, now you knew you were being dramatic.
but you acted childish to ignore the horrible feeling in your heart, of this new strange place you are going to.

you walk out your house, heading to school, you felt afraid of getting lost in this crowded city, you clutch your backpacks handles and look down at the dirt, and following the path you knew would lead you to your new school.

you reach the front gates of this giant school building, you take a deep breath, and walk in.

you already knew where you classes were, because a few days before school started you were invited over to see where your classes are, being a new student and all, it was pretty helpful.

you take a quick stop at your locker, and then make your way to class.

lucky for you, the bell rang as soon as you stepped into the class, meaning that technically you were right on time.

good job y/n!
you give yourself some encouragement to lift up your spirits.
trying to stay positive.

you look for your assigned seat.
finding it to be in the third row, the very left, your row was just in front of the back row, the desks were pretty small, and also spaced out, in your old school, you had desks that were paired in 2, so you got a buddy, you hated having independent seating.

once you sat down and settled, you looked around at the other students, to see what they looked like.

you looked to your right, seeing who was next to you.
you saw a boy with hair that was shifted to the left side of his face, he had dark eyes with a saddle brown skin tone.
he caught you staring, and quickly looked over and beamed with a wave, smiling at you.

you froze, but cautiously brought your hand up to wave back, and you gave a worried, yet sweet smile.
maybe you two could be friends?
or maybe you're pushing it.

class passes, and you keep noticing the boy beside you a lot, you didn't want to think you were gaining a crush on someone you just saw, you didn't even know anything about him? what if he was secretly a popular rude bully?
or what if you're just thinking negatively?
you try not to assume much on a guy you just seen.

but you did like the way he participated in class, and his voice was funny, but in a good way, and he seemed so sweet, if he actually was a popular rude bully, then he is extremely good at acting, or fooling you at least.

it's lunch time.

everyone gets up and instantly walked over to their friend groups from the years before.

unfortunately, you didn't have a friend group around.

you walk into the cafeteria, you look at the long line of students that were waiting for their lunches.

maybe you should skip lunch, for today at least.

you began to walk around the tables, you try to find a spot to sit in, but when you keep walking further and further into the lunch room you can feel embarrassment fill your mind, and you just planned to go to the bathrooms and wait out lunch.
but you were stopped.
when you heard someone call for you.
'excuse me' was what the voice said.

you turn around to the voice, it wasn't very far away from you, it actually felt right behind you so once you turned around you were quickly met with eyes of dark chocolate, it's him.

"hello! you seem like you don't have a place to sit so, would you like to sit at my table?" he offers, you stare in awe, looking at the man that sat near you in class, your cheeks began to change into a hue as a smile and nervously chuckle, realizing you were taking so long to answer him, seeing he was holding his lunch tray with nervousness.

"uhm..sure, thank you," you nodded and he smiles, squinting his eyes.
it was cute..
let's pretend you didn't think that.

you follow him to his seat like a lost dog.
reaching the table, you sit down next to him.

"what's your name by the way?" you asked.
"im pavitr, but if you struggle calling me that you can just call me pav, everyone does that," he beams, "what's your name?"
"im y/n," you nervously say.
"that's a nice name! oh and I was wondering..why didn't you get a lunch," he asks.
"oh well the lunch line was kinda long so..I just decided to find a seat," you shrug, for some reason that question made you feel anxious to answer, and then you thought back to when he complimented your name, you smile a little at the thought.

"oh! okay, but are you hungry?" he tilts his head.
"kind of..?" you are unsure whether you are or not, and why was he asking anyways?
"you can have some of my food!" he cheerfully offers, sliding his tray over, being happy to share food with you.
he offered you food?
you slightly blush, and giggle slightly, trying to hide your amusement, you didn't feel as anxious as before.

"thanks," you warmly smile, you see his cheeks turn darker, and he grins, laughing nervously while turning his head away.

you two eat lunch together, while talking about different things, like your old school, or what it's like in this new school, the conversation sort of trailed off to other topics like dogs, and art, music and food.

lunch was over, you get up and follow pav as he goes to dump his tray, he was grateful you came with him because he didn't wanna be alone.
you guys walk back to class, side by side together while chatting.
you had made a friend.
and you didn't feel the need to be nervous anymore.

in class, you sat down in your assigned seats, glancing over at pav, you see him looking at you.
he waves to you, but this time you didn't freeze, or laugh anxiously.
you waved back, with a cheerful smile.

you hope you never stop being friends with him.
you hope maybe you could be more then friends..maybe?
well, you did just meet him.
let's see what happens in the future.

i ♥️ pavitr 😓😕🙂🤩

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