p2 ; miles morales E42 ▸ run *

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you need to find someway out.

and you will.


[ continuing ]

the teenage boy shows you down a long hallway.
he wasn't exactly showing you around like the man asked him too.
he was heading for the door at the very end of the hallway.

you followed, but you were confused.

making it to the large door.
miles looks back out out.
he turns back, and pushes open the door.
oh my god.

it was a very large room.
with circular tables, with long with tablecloths on top of it.
with brown wooden chairs.
and red carpets that had flower like patterns in it, that were a lighter red, gold, and white.
a large tank was in the center of the room.
you spotted animals inside.
it was an aquarium.
the room was empty, but it looked so full.
this room alone looks like it costed a million bucks.

"come." miles says plainly.
he walks you around the room, telling you the number of the tables.
he then showed you to a door from across the room.
inside was the kitchen.
it was pretty big too, and you could definitely spot some expensive items and objects around.

this place made you scared to move.
you worried that if you bump into something, it would break.
and you don't have the money to pay for the stuff here.

"this is the kitchen," he waves an arm at as a gesture to show the room.
you already knew it was the kitchen, you weren't that dumb.
yet he kept treating you as if you were 5.
actually, maybe you were 5 years old, mentally at least.
because you stared around the room in awe, like a little kid being impressed by the slightest of things.
you could really think of one word, and one word only.
this place was excessive, but honestly, really cool.

it doesn't change anything about the situation though.
you were taken away from a place you had no intention of leaving.
and you're now being forced to work here.
you want to go home.
you wonder when, or even if you can ever go home.

you spot a menu on the counter of the kitchen.
you walk up to it, glancing at miles.
"could I..read this?" you asked unsure, you didn't want to open it without permission and then get yelled at.
you'd rather ask.
miles only shrugged.
"sure." he says, walking over to you, also wanting to see the menu, as if he hadn't seen it before, and maybe he hasn't.

you picked up a menu, carefully, you look through the of foods.

what the-

the menu had such explicit and sexual names of the food.
it was like the makeup company  'NARS' except in restaurants menu form.
miles looked over your shoulder, also reading down the menu.
he cleared his throat and walked away, being embarrassed of the menu itself, he'd rather not read anymore.
he mumbled a 'what the hell' as he walked away.

it sort of freaked you out of how graphic and inappropriate these names were.
you flipped the menu over, after not wanting to see the contents anymore.
but then you saw what's on the back.
and that shocked you.
so so sooo much more.

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