; hobie brown ❥ ➻ better * ⚠️

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❥ ➻ - fluff/gore ⚠️
character - hobie brown
takes place - your universe & his universe
unedited chapter

hobie and you have been together for a couple of months now, but you've known each other for a couple years, you guys met in HQ, and although you two weren't very similar, you got along pretty well, so he had asked you out, and you guys went on a few dates, then you got together, but thats just the short way to put how you guys met.

you two were staying in your universe, you lived alone so hobie was crashing at your place.
he was playing his guitar on your couch, while you were changing out of your spider costume.

once you finished you walk back to the living room where hobie was.
"your universe is so borin y/n," hobie complains, leaning back and bringing his guitar to the spot next to him.

"you just got here?" you say a you shrug, not knowing what to tell him.
"well I can already tell it isn't excitin," he tossing his head back and closes his eyes.
you sigh.
"how about tomorrow, we can go out, so I can show you it's not as bad as you say." you compromise, you cross your arms and smirk.
"alright, but I expect to be disappointed," he jokes as he chuckles, "then I'll show you my world, and you'll see how much better it is," he retorts, making it a competition.
"fine, but don't be so confident, you've only seen little of my world," you laugh, walking over and sitting on the couch next to him.
"don't act so dodgy y/n," he rolls his eyes because he can see you have something planned already.

you shrug, "I ain't, and how about we go to bed so we can get up early for tomorrow," you suggest, and hobie agrees.

"alright fine, but where do I sleep?" he asks.
"whoever you wanna," you reply.
"can I sleep with you?" he smirks, you were going to say no, but you stop and think for a moment.
"sure why not," you shrug, you decided to let him sleep with you because if you said no he wouldn't really listen anyways, or he'll just ask and ask over and over.
so you decide to avoid the trouble.
you get into bed and soon later hobie gets in too.
"jus' to let ya know, you'll be blown away to my world," hobie says confidently as he smiles at you.
"cant wait," you say as you turn on your side and bring your blanket up to your shoulder.

"good night hobie," you muttered, your eyes already closing.
"good'night," he says with a low tired voice.
your breathing slows and you fall asleep, hobie watches you for a second and smirks, though he does get a little rude with you, he does love you, and in reality, he'd love to see your world, and get to see what you love, he's exited for tomorrow, and he can't wait to show you what he loves in his world too.
he's probably more excited then you, this excitement is making it hard for him to sleep though, but eventually, he closes his eyes, and dreams.
- ✧ ✧ -
the next day, hobie stirs awake, his eyes slowly open, he doesn't see you next to him, he sits up and rubs his eyes, getting up slowly and he grabs his clothes, changing.
he smells something, it smells nice.
he walks into the hallway, he hears little noises coming from the kitchen.
making his way there, he sees you making some pancakes.
"morning," you glance at him.
"uhh..mornin..you're usually not up this early," he says confused.
"I know, but I had to because we have a lot to see," you reply, he hums and sits at the table.

you two eat your breakfast, you talk about what you want him to see, you were pretty excited to show him, he loved it.
and with that, you two were out, walking down the street to show him your amazing world.

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