; miguel o'hara headcanons ❥ *

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anyways, although I don't like Miguel I won't slander him much in this chapter because Ik people actually like him, and if I saw a character I like being hated on ever 2 seconds I'd be annoyed, so here's for y'all lovely miguel fans that have been wanting and requesting for this 💕🤗......😒......😭

First date ?
- a trip around the multiverse (because he has no world, you'd have to be a spider man to even meet him 😣)
- he'd take you to really any world and place that's known for beauty 😌

Where he likes to kiss you
- lips ( he a muscleman man 😼 )
- collarbone ( 🥺 AHHHHHH 😡 )
- hand ( what a ladies man 🤪 )

Contact names
his contact for you - mi amor ( 🤭 )
your contact for him - scary spider man 😥 ( I'd headcanon that he'd get annoyed if you called him 'scary man 😭' so you put that as his contacts, when he'd see it he would change it to 'amar' )

What he calls you
- mi amor
- mami ( when he's a whiney BIT-🤬 )
- y/n ( when he's serious or angry 😡😡😡 )

if you were dating him as a shy person
- he doesn't get the concept of being shy so he'd pass your shyness as just being quiet 😒
- even though he doesn't get the idea of 'shy', he still can notice if you're uncomfortable, and if somebody makes you uncomfortable he'll get defensive ( alpha male grrr 😡 🐺 🖤)
- he'll shut people up real quick if they mock you ( awe silly goose 🤭 )
- he likes how opened minded you are as a shy person, you could probably calm him down when he's angry, he likes being calm so he likes you 😩

if you were dating him as a emotionless/expressionless person
- honestly I cant think of anything, I feel like if y/n was emotionless or expressionless she would never even talk to Miguel in the first place 😭 but if any of you guys have ideas on what the relationship might seem like, do tell 🤭

if you were dating him as a confident person
- you'd always make fun of him or tease him (like what lyla was doing in the movie) and his most common response would just him rolling his eyes
- you would tell other people embarrassing things he has done and he'd just scream ( and chase you down as you desperately run for your life 😣😔😒)
- you two would be such a weird duo, nobody would get in yalls way 🤪
- playing Barbie's ( that one audio where it's like " Isaiah..say it in your girl voice ! Why do I have to keep asking you!! 😡" .."how y'all doing 🤪😐")

if you were dating him as an emotional person
- he's emotional too when it comes to rage, so you guys would be a crying screaming shouting duo 😍
- he'd ask Jess on how to calm you down, she'd shrug and be like " idk?? 😦"
- he takes you out a lot, I'm not sure why but I think if you were more emotional he'd like going out a lot
- he enjoys how heartfelt you can be, and how you can understand his emotions, he'd be sort of soft in a way

I think the y/n that best suits for Miguel would be a nervous shy emotional y/n, but in a cheerful way and not in a depressing way. 🤷🏻

Scenarios !

He'd spend a lot of time on your earth and in your house, and if your world was in a more current time setting like 2023 and not 2099, he would be confused on how your would has come by so slowly, and he thinks everyone in your world is an idiot, because everyone argues.
one time while you were driving him to a beach boardwalk that you really wanted to show him, a guy cut you off in the road, you didn't care but Miguel had his anger issues kick in, and he had full on road rage, and needless to say the driver got a little scared in the end.

this next scenario was requested, where y/n would be struggling with anxiety and Miguel would help in some way)
one time in your world, you were with Miguel at a restaurant, a table behind you was full of middle age women that was mocking you and saying how hot Miguel was, and once you got your food you told Miguel what you were hearing, clearly you were nervous and uncomfortable, he looked back at the table and glared, the women there got a little salty.
after you at you went to the bath room, and once you came back you saw the women crying, and a waiter told you that you were getting kicked out.
Miguel just looked at you and slightly shrugged, as if he didn't know why, but it's clear he chewed out the women and threw every insult he knew at them.
you guys walked out the restaurant decided to get some ice cream, Miguel was proud of himself, and although you thought it was embarrassing being kicked out, and Miguel should control his anger issues, you also thought it was nice and sweet he defended you, so you weren't mad.

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