Volume 3, Chp. 9: End of the Beginning

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~Skies over Vale~
*Narrator POV*

Over the darkened skies of Vale, with the sight of Beacon Academy, though in slight ruins, just in view a flash of silver passes in view while the form was comet-like racing towards the ruined academy, a singular figure, though wearing heavy armor, was taking a more... draconic shape all the while the roaring sounds of anger and hate can be heard from said comet.

~Beacon Academy Vault~

Within the secret vault under Beacon Academy, the corridor was shadowed all around that was until flashes of green and vermillion began illuminating the corridor, and progressively getting more intense and violent. As the more evident flashes occur, it can be seen as both Ozpin, wielding his cane, The Long Memory, while battling against Cinder Falls, now the newly risen Fall Maiden, with all the Maiden's power, as the two began clashing against one another with their weapons. After one clash, Cinder slides back, using her hand to melt the floor below her, and summons ice crystals from the newly-formed substance, hurling them towards Ozpin. Ozpin deflects them all by moving at superhuman speed, and then darts forward and delivers a bunch of strikes at Cinder with his cane, with the last blow launching her back. Cinder then floats midair by unleashing her Maiden power. Ozpin then slams his cane into the floor, forming a spherical force-field around him. Cinder then unleashes a powerful fire blast, with Ozpin leaping into the attack with the barrier protecting him. As he closes in on her, the entirety of the corridor flashes in white.

~Docks near Beacon Academy~

Over near the docks outside Beacon Academy, several air buses and various Citadel transports were arriving to retrieve the last of the students and civilians from the chaos. Even though Peter Port and Bartholomew Oobleck were overseeing the evacuation, several Citadel species were assisting while others were providing medical assistance to those with injuries.

"That's it! Everyone on board!" Peter Port calls out to everyone. "This is a mandatory evacuation!"

"A safe-zone has been established in Vale!" Dr. Oobleck follows after Peter Port. "Please, remain calm and listen to Citadel personnel!"

Nearby with the evacuation, both Weiss and Ruby, followed by Zwei, found NMDY and SPRD along with Jacob, Zaheed, and Mordin, as the latter was monitoring Yang's vitals. While the group were looking after Blake and Yang, Zwei's barking caught their attention as they saw Ruby and Weiss coming forward.

"Ruby!" Garrus calls out as Ruby then crashes into Garrus hugging him. Garrus returns worried. "Ruby, what were you thinking? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Garrus," Ruby replied while Liara hugged Weiss, worried as well. "What's going on?"

Garrus and Liara, followed by everyone else were silent unsure what to say, earning concern from Ruby and Weiss.

"Garrus, Liara, what's wrong?" Weiss asked this time around. Steeling themselves for their reaction, both Garrus and Liara moved to the side showing the two behind them, which earned a shocked and saddened expression before them as they can see both Blake and Yang on the ground with bandages around their wounds, but the latter was unconscious as Grunt kneeled beside Yang watching over her. Behind the two, both Nora and Ren were battered and bruised, too much to fight anymore. Blake moves her hand over to Yang while Tali was trying to settle Blake's nerves.

"I'm sorry..." Blake apologizes while her tears were forming. Weiss held a hand over her mouth after seeing the state of her friends while Ruby tried to say something but couldn't with her emotional state. Blake cries while curling herself and closed her eyes. "I'm so sorry..."

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