Movie You Watch Together

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Steve: Into the Woods. You are constantly watching and singing along with the songs from the movie. You two absolutely love it.

Bruce: Fly Boys. You don't know why you two love it so much. You just do.

Clint: Brave. He loves Merida. He says it's because she reminds him so much of you. I mean, you would be the one to turn your mother into a bear when you got angry with her.

Tony: The Proposal. It has Sandra Bullock in it. Why would it not be a great movie? And you both enjoy a good laugh sometimes.

Pietro: Any of the Jurassic Park movies. You both love the quick-paced 90s action of them. The dinosaurs look pretty real. But, you always get mad because it doesn't follow the book AT ALL.

Thor: Disney Classics. Thor not being from this world has missed a good portion of the awesomeness that is Disney movies. So, you started from the beginning with Snow White and have worked all the way up to Frozen, not leaving any movie unseen.

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