Chapter 5: Going Rogue

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Edited: 3/12/2024

(Ace's POV)

I am sitting in the Cortex, playing a game of "Gold Fish" with Barry. He's training his powers right now, and this is by, having him play four different games all at the same time. Caitlin and he were playing "Operation" Cisco and he was playing "Pig-Pong". Dr.Wells and him were playing chess.  Caitlin tried to take a piece from the board game, but it buzzed, causing her to jump. She looked annoyed by the game.

Caitlin: "This isn't even remotely anatomically correct."

Barry was playing pin-pong with Cisco as he spoke to Caitlin.

Barry: "That's not the point, Dr.Snow."

He then sped over to her, taking his turn and taking a piece out of the boardgame, without causing it to buzz. He laughs and looks up at Caitlin with a smirk. She blushed and looked flustered. He then sped back over to Cisco, to continue their game of ping-pong.

Caitlin: "Then what is the point?"

Barry: "To have fun."

I held my cards in my hands, trying to think of what card I should go for. So far, he was winning, and I didn't like it. I should pull my brother's tactics, when he's losing...well his tactics are just crying, and running to our mother, whining about how he wasn't winning, and about how I was making it "unfair" when it was fair. Then Mother would yell at me, hit me, and send me to my room. I don't think I can pull that on Barry. So I'll pull my mother's tactic when she's losing. Cheat. While Barry was busy with ping-pong, I looked over at his cards and used the numbers to get what cards he had.  I then felt a woosh and looked up to see Barry. It doesn't seem like he noticed what I was doing. That's good. He grabbed his cards.

Ace; "Do you have 2 red diamonds?"

He paused and looked at me shocked. Great, that means he does. Damn, he needs to work on his poker face. He sighed, took the card from his hand, and handed it to me. I smirked and took the card from him. He placed his cards down and placed a magnet on top of his cards, so they don't fly away. He got back over to Caitlin, taking his turn.

Harrison: "And to continue your ongoing training by testing the speed of your mind by pushing your ability to multitask."

Barry sped over to him, took a piece, and moved it. He then sped back over to Cisco, and played ping-pong for a few seconds, before going back over to Dr.Wells. He took a piece and moved it, then hit a button. He looked at Dr.Wells smirking.

Barry; "I'm waiting on you, Dr.Wells."

He ran back over to Cisco. I used that, as my chance to look at his cards again and see the numbers. I heard Cisco whine and looked up to see that he lost. I chuckled, and Barry ran over to me. He grabbed his cards, and just as he was about to open his mouth...

Harrison: "Checkmate."

Barry snapped his head over to Dr.Wells. He then dropped his cards and sped over to him. This caused his cards to fly. I sighed and started to clean the mess up.

Barry: "Wait, checkmate?"

Harrison: "Checkmate."

He smirked and crossed his arms. It was clear he was smug at beating Barry. Dr.Wells led back in his wheelchair.

Harrison: "I guess we will have a few things left to learn, don't we, Mr.Allen?"

Barry looked shocked and upset that he lost a game. It's like he wants to win all the time...will he get in trouble for losing too? That's what my mother would do to me, anytime I lose at something. I would get yelled at, and called names, compared to my brother, food privileges were taken away from me, sent to my room, and even sometimes she would hit me. Does that happen to him as well? Just then an alarm goes off, and Cisco runs over to the computer and turns it off.

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