Chapter 19: Who is Harrison Wells?

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(Narrator's POV)

After that night at Barry's lab at the CCPD things became intense and it was as if they were walking in a field of land mines, that if they were to accidentally step on one, it would blow up, right in their faces. Barry, Joe, Cisco, and Eddie had fully accepted the idea that Dr.Wells wasn't REALLY Harrison Wells and that he was the Reverse Flash. They just needed to prove it to Caitlin, since she wasn't really on board with that idea.  Right now, they were at Joe's house, waiting for Barry to get back, since he left to go get some pizza. Eddie walked over to the couch and sat down, with a beer in his hand.

Eddie: "Where's Barry?"

Joe: "He should be here any second. I sent him out for."

Just then there was a gust of wind. Barry stood there with three boxes of pizzas in his hands. He grinned.

Barry: "Pizza!"

He placed the boxes on the table. Cisco cheered and took a piece for himself. 

Eddie: "From Coast City?"

Barry: "Supposedly the best in the west."

They started taking a piece for themselves. Cisco looked happy to have the pizza.

Cisco: "Why did I not think of this before? Come to Papa."

Joe took notice of the lack of someone in the group. He looked over at Caitlin, who was sitting at the stairs, not seeming in the mood. She just couldn't believe anything they were telling her. The man that she looked up to. The man, who was put in a wheelchair. The man who helped bring her fiance back. The man who adopted Alex and gave her a loving home and treated her right...was apparently the Reverse Flash, the evil man who killed Barry's mother, framed his father for the crime, then killed other men. She just couldn't believe it.

Joe: "Caitlin?"

All the men stopped what they were doing and looked over at Caitlin. Barry was worried. He was worried that Caitlin didn't believe them. That she will tell Dr.Wells what they know. He's also scared that he lost all her trust.

Caitlin: "I'm not hungry."

Joe nodded his head, but it was clear he could tell something was up. He knew Caitlin didn't believe them, but they didn't have the time or the evidence to get her to believe them. He turned to the others.

Joe: "Okay, six months of investigating Harrison Wells has led us nowhere, so we're going back to the beginning to see what we can find out."

Eddie looked at him confused. He doesn't know what Joe is talking about.

Eddie: "What does that mean?"

Cisco: "Road trip, baby!"

Barry nodded his head. Eddie still looked confused. 

Barry: "Joe and Cisco are going to Starling City."

This got Caitlin's attention, she looked at them confused. She stood up from the stairs and walked over to the couch. 

Caitlin: "Starling City? What for?"

Joe: "To investigate the car accident that Dr.Wells was in with Tess Morgan fifteen years ago."

Caitlin's eyes widened and she looked at them all shocked and confused, as to why they were investigating that.

Caitlin: "I...I don't understand. Why?"

Barry: "Dr.McGee said that after Wells's accident, he became like a complete stranger. Just a different person entirely."

She looked at Barry shocked and annoyed. She understood why Dr.Wells became a different person. He lost someone he loved. She went through the same thing when she thought Ronnie died.

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