Chapter 25: Flash of two worlds

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(Alex's POV)

I stand there in the Cortex, watching the mystery man who had just waltzed into our lab as if it were nothing. His hands were up, trying to show us that he meant no harm. Just because he's another Speedster, doesn't mean we should trust him. The last time we trusted another Speedster turned out he was a killer from the future who killed my grandmother, framed my grandfather, and hurt Barry. Also...he said his name was Jay...but I scanned his face and the name Hunter Zolom came up. So is he lying?

Jay: "Please, just let me explain. I mean you no harm."

Barry: "How do you know my name?"

Jay: "I know all your names. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Detective Joe West-"

Joe didn't seem to like that one bit and I don't blame him. For him to know our names, means he was stalking us. That's creepy.

Joe: "Enough."

He pointed his gun at Jay, and he held up his hands. His heart wasn't racing, so that means he was not scared. He should be...Joe WILL pull the trigger if he makes one wrong move.

Joe: "That part about explaining needs to happen right about now."

Jay: "This world is in danger."

I looked at him confused. I mean, there are other worlds out there, that I know, but why is our world in danger?

Alex: "How is our world in danger?"

He looked over at me, and I cringed away from him. His expression said it all. He's not to be trusted. He looked at me with fucken blood lust. As if he wanted to kill me. He had the look of a psychopath! He then looked back over at Barry, and his expression went away. Why does he want to kill me? What did I do to him?

Jay: "When you created the singularity above Central City. You also created a breach between my world and yours."

We looked at him shocked. I'm shocked because he wasn't lying about that. Great, just want we needed...aliens!

Iris: "I'm sorry, a breach?"

Alex: "A portal connecting our two earths."

Jay looked at me shocked, as if he couldn't believe I knew about that. But then he smiled and nodded his head.

Jay: "She's right."

Stein: "And what precisely is your concern?"

Jay: "A few days ago, you found a dead man named Al Rothstein at a nuclear plant."

We looked at him shocked that he knew about that. That means he was stalking Barry and Joe at a fucken CRIME scene! How did no one see him?!

Jay: "But then a different Al Rothstein tried to kill you."

Cisco: "Atom Smasher."

Jay looked at Cisco confused, probably not used to people naming their bad guys. Well, his world sounds boring as hell.

Jay: "That man was from my world. If he got through the breach, I suspect there will be more to follow."

Alex: "Okay, so um, Jay. How exactly do you know all of this?"

He looked over at me, getting the same expression as before. Like he wanted to kill me. What did I ever do to him?

Jay: "Where I came from, I was a Speedster like you, Barry. They called me The Flash."

We looked at him shocked. So there are other Flashs in different worlds. I wonder if they all have daughters as well.

Jay: "Before I arrived on your earth. I was in a fight with a man named Zoom."

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