Chapter 15: Fallout

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Edited: 3/31/2024

(Alex's POV)

Barry and Caitlin had gotten to Stein in time to give him the splicer, but to our horror, there was still an explosion. Dad looked super worried for his younger self and Caitlin.

Harrison: "Barry? Barry, what happened out there?"

Cisco: "Are you guys okay?"

We heard a bit of shuffling and static, but then we heard Barry.

Barry: "I think so."

We all sighed in relief. At least they're okay but what about Stein and Ronnie?

Caitlin: "Oh, god. The nuclear explosion. There's no telling how much radiation we were exposed to."

I looked over at Barry's suit data to see that it had no radiation exposure. The Geiger counter in his suit is only reading less than one milligram.

Alex: "But that's impossible. The Geiger counter in the suit is only reading less than one milligram."

Dad and Cisco looked at me shocked, but Dad looked impressed.

Barry: "But that's normal."

Harrison: "There's no radiation."

That shouldn't be possible, unless...

Alex: "Did it work? Did you separate them? That would be the only reason you two aren't covered in radiation."

Barry: "I don't know."

We waited with baited breaths, worrying if it worked or not.

Caitlin: "Ronnie?"

I heard Cisco gasp. So it appears that it had worked.

Caitlin: "Tell me your name."

Ronnie: "Ronnie Raymond. Cait. It's me."

I let out a scream of happiness, and so did Cisco. Dad smiled, seeming happy that it had worked.

Barry: "We're coming home. All of us."

We cheered and waited until they got back. Cisco's heart was racing, he was super excited to see his friend after thinking he had died.

(Time skip)

We got to the elevator of S.T.A.R. Labs, it opened to reveal everyone. Ronnie had an arm wrapped around Caitlin's shoulders. She was smiling, happy that she had her fiance back. I looked over at Barry to see him all tense. It was clear he was jealous, but trying so hard not to ruin the moment between them. He's not like Iris that's for sure.

Cisco: "Ronnie Raymond."

Ronnie grinned and let go of Caitlin. He walked up to Cisco and pulled him into a hug. They let go of each other, super happy to see each other.

Cisco: "I missed you so much, man. I shouldn't have locked you in there."

Ronnie looked at Cisco shocked that he was blaming himself for that. He patted Cisco on the shoulder and smiled at him.

Ronnie: "Hey...don't."

I heard something wheel over to us and looked over to see Dad. He smiled at Ronnie, and Ronnie smiled at him.

Harrison: "Welcome back, Mr. Raymond."

They shook hands, but by Ronnie's expression, he was feeling bad about Dad's situation.

Ronnie: "Dr.Wells. Caitlin told me what happened to you. I'm so sorry."

Dad smiled and shook his head. Yeah, he shouldn't blame himself since he didn't cause the Accelerator to explode.

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