Chapter 17: Tricksters

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(Barry's POV)

Joe and I were in my lab in the CCP, we were going over all the information we had on Dr.Wells, which wasn't that much. I pulled down a projector on the same board where I had my mother's murder case. 

Barry: "All right, this is everything that we know about Harrison Wells...which is not a lot."

Joe: "Didn't you read a book about him?"

I sighed and nodded my head. I read that book about what felt like a hundred times. You would think I would know all about him, but I don't. If he's lied to me this whole time, who's to say he didn't lie in that book?

Barry: "Yeah, six hundred pages and the big takeaway is he's enigmatic."

Joe: "Your mom was killed by a Speedster. Well's machine turned you into a Speedster. That's way too many coincidences for this old cop. The same with the fact that now we know Wells has to be the Man in Yellow, which isn't good with him raising your daughter, Bary."

I sighed and nodded my head. This isn't good at all. If Dr.Wells is the Reverse Flash like we think he is, that means he had another reason to adopt Alex. He's using her for something. She's basically a human computer, he's planning something and he needs her to do it.

Barry: "Do you think that he wanted me to become The Flash?"

Joe: "Everything he's done...since that night you got struck by lightning, bringing you to S.T.A.R. Labs, giving you the you. It's all been to keep you safe."

Barry: "And to make me faster. Wells once said that he needed more speed from me."

Joe looked at me confused, but also worried. Why would Dr.Wells need my speed? Does he not have any?

Joe: "Why?"

I shrugged my shoulders since I had no idea why. Maybe Alex knows, but I highly doubt she'll tell me anything. She trusts Dr.Wells, he practically saved her from Foster Care and gave her a home. She was basically groomed to believe that any time someone does something nice for her, she owns them, her life. She wouldn't betray Dr.Wells. Not to mention...she doesn't really like me at the moment.

Barry: "I don't know."

Joe: "He wants something from you, Barry. We just need to figure out what it is. He's clearly using Alex for something. He's probably using her to get to you."

I looked at Joe shocked. That's it! It makes all sense now. I always thought I was overreacting or overthinking things. But any time Dr.Wells called Alex his daughter, he had this look in his eyes. Like he was smug about something. Even when Alex called him Dad in front of me. He always looks so smug! He's using her to get under my skin!

Barry: "That's it, Joe! He's using her to get under my skin. I always thought I was overthinking, but any time he called Alex his daughter, or Alex called him Dad, he had this smug expression on his face!"

Joe looked at me shocked, but also upset. I can't blame him. I'm pissed too. He's using my daughter to get to me, while she thinks he actually loves her! She shouldn't go through all of that when she probably went through that in Foster Care!

Barry: "Let's go get him. Let's get some answers."

He looked at me shocked and stopped me from leaving. What is he doing? Let's confront Dr.Wells, and save my daughter!

Joe: "We can't do that now as much as we might want to."

I looked at him shocked, since he had suspicions about Dr.Wells from the moment he meant him, but now he doesn't want to get answers from him.

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