Chapter 28: The Darkness and the Light

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(Alex's POV)

I walked into the lab, Barry had called saying that he wanted me to come in today, lucky for him, I didn't have school today. I walk through the hallway holding a cup of coffee. I stopped by Jitters for some coffee and saw Iris talking to her mother. It looked like Iris was annoyed by whatever her mother was talking about. I didn't care to pay attention. I said good morning to Mary and just ordered a cup of coffee before leaving. I walk into the Cortex.

Alex: "Okay, why did you want me here, Bar-"

I paused as I looked at the man in the middle of the Cortex. He had his face, but his hair looked more shaggy, and he was wearing clothes I knew he wouldn't wear. He was also carrying a gun, which I know full well Eobard wouldn't need since he had super speed. But another thing that gave away that this couldn't be the same person...was the fact that Barry wasn't trying to murder him. I stared at the man shocked, while he stared at me. It looked like he was about to cry. Barry walked over to me.

Barry: "Um, Alex. I know, I didn't want to keep any more secrets from you, so I wanted you to know about him."

I slowly nodded my head, still not taking my eyes off the man in front of me. He looks so much like him, it's shocking.

Barry: "This is Harrison Wells...from Earth-2."

I looked over at Barry and nodded my head. I looked back at the man, to see that he had taken a step closer to me. From the shocked and sad expression on his looks like he has seen a ghost. 

Alex: "I kind of figured that out, Barry when you weren't trying to murder him."

Barry smiled and nodded his head. I looked back at the Earth-2 Harrison Wells.

Alex: "Hi, my name is Alex."

I held out my hand and he stared at me shocked. He cleared his throat, took my hand, and shook it.

Harry: "Um...hi."

He let go of my hand and I looked around to see that Cisco and Caitlin weren't there yet. I looked back over at Barry.

Alex: "I better prepare Cisco about him. We don't need him having a panic attack and flashbacks."

Barry nodded his head and I quickly left the Cortex. I walked down the hallway to see Caitlin and Cisco. I quickly walked over to them and stopped them from entering the Cortex. They looked at me confused.

Cisco: "What's happening?"

Alex: "Just a warning. It appears that Earth-2 Harrison Wells is here."

Their eyes widen and they look at me shocked and worried. We walked back to the Cortex, to see Earth-2 Harrison Wells, standing in the middle of the Cortex, reading, um...Earth-1 Harrison Wells's autobiography.

Harry: "Very strange to be holding your autobiography. especially when you didn't write it and it's not about you."

Alex: "Well, it's not about Earth-1 Harrison Wells's as well. Because that was published AFTER Eobard Thawne killed him and took his place."

He looked at me shocked, as if he was looking at a ghost. His heart was racing as well. Maybe he knew my Earth-2 counterpart as well. Cisco and Caitlin nodded their heads.

Barry: "Dr. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, meet Dr.Harrison Wells...from Earth-2."

Cisco: "Hi."

Harry: "Hi."

It was so tense. Cisco's heart was racing. He was clearly scared and nervous by that face. That was the face of the man who killed him in an old timeline. So yeah, he wouldn't like looking at this man.

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