Chapter 20: The Trap

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(Barry's POV)

We looked at the article in the room, shocked. I decided to read it out loud.

Barry: "Flash missing. vanishes in crisis."

I wonder what, the crisis is.

Barry: "After an epic street battle with the Reverse Flash, our city's very own Scarlet Speedster disappeared in an explosion of light. This city mourns over its Speedster lost in a battle." (A/N: Something I never understand when it comes to The Flash. When future Barry stops Thawne from killing him, and his mother instead gets killed, that Barry is erased from the timeline. But then a new one formed, the Barry that we know now. But here's where it confuses me. He goes back to his own timeline and is there for the birth of Nora and there in her life for a little bit, until he dies in Crisis. But why would the article say "After an epic street battle with the Reverse Flash, our city's very own Scarlet Speedster disappeared in an explosion of light. This city mourns over its Speedster lost in a battle." why would they say that, if Barry didn't disappear and only disappeared in Crisis, why would the article talk as if he disappeared after the battle with Thawne? It just confuses me on that part. It's why I don't go with their logic of time travel and go with "Back To The Future" logic of time travel.)

I looked at the article shocked and confused. I die? How is that possible and when?

Caitlin: "Barry, look at the date."

I looked at the date of the article. Wait...that's impossible! This article is from...the future!

Barry: "April 25th, 2024. Guys, when I fought the Reverse Flash at Christmas, he said that we'd be fighting for centuries."

Caitlin looked at me shocked. She grabbed my arm tightly. Normally I would get flustered by this, but right now at this moment, the only thing I can think about is how Dr.Wells lied to me this whole time. He's the one who killed my mother and is the reason my father was arrested for the crime. He's also turning my daughter against me. However I did have some play in that when I didn't tell her she was my daughter from the start. I shouldn't have listed to Iris and Joe.

Caitlin: "Wait, you can't really think that this is from...the future?"

Cisco: "That would mean, Dr.Wells, or whoever he also-"

Barry: "From the future."

Caitlin held my arm tighter and looked at the article worried and scared.

Cisco: "I have to say, I'm digging the brighter red suit. And that white on the symbol? That's dope."

We looked over at Cisco, dumbfounded that he was really thinking about my suit in the future at a time like this. After learning what we learned. His eyes widened.

Cisco: "Wait a second...suppose we now change the color of your suit. Will it be because we got the idea from this picture? That would mean we're living in a causal nexus. This is so trippy. Like, Marty and the Polaroid trippy."

Caitlin: "Not as trippy as the name below the article."

I looked at her confused, I could see a bit of blush on her face. I looked back at the article to see what got her so flustered. I looked at another part of the article, just below mine, and read it out loud.

Barry: "Caitlin Snow-Allen, a widowed wife and mother, grieves over the death of her...h-husband?!"

My eyes widened at that information. I marry Caitlin in the future!? We looked at each other shocked and flustered.

Cisco: "Mazel Tov?"

???: "Hebrew. The ancient language of the Jewish people."

We all jumped as Caitlin clung to my arm tighter. I grabbed her arm as well, and the random voice spoke. We looked around the room shocked and confused. Where did that voice come from?

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