Chapter 16: Out of Time and Rouge Time

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Edited: 3/31/2024

(A/N: I'm gonna do the same thing I did with my other story.)

(Alex's POV)

So Cisco took me to this bowling place because he said he wanted to spend more time with me. He also said that he wanted to hype himself up for his brother's birthday party. He told me how his family is with him and his brother, and I can somewhat relate to that. No matter what I did, it wasn't good in my mother's eyes. My brother on the other hand, no matter what he did, was always proud of him. Even when he bullied another kid at our school, and the kid got badly hurt. From what the other kids at school said, my brother and the other kid were fighting over a swing, and my brother jumped on the other kid and started to choke them. Teachers quickly got involved and pulled my brother off of the kid.  My mother was called and she defended my brother. She then grounded ME because I didn't stop him from hurting the kid, even though I was in a different grade! Cisco and I sat in our section, getting ready to play, when a couple sat down in the section next to us. I looked at who it was and groaned. Cisco looked at me confused.

Cisco: "Alex, what's the matter?"

Ace: "Look."

He looked at me confused but then looked over at the section to see Iris and her boyfriend Eddie. He made an "Oh" face, finally realizing why I was suddenly annoyed. But if we don't talk to them, I highly doubt they will know we're here.

Cisco: "Let's just ignore them."

I sighed and nodded my head. He went off to get us something to drink and eat. While I am sitting here waiting for him to get back, I hear Iris.

Iris; "Hi, guys."

I sighed, thinking she was talking to me, but when I looked up, I was shocked too Barry and some other girl. That must be Linda, his girlfriend. Is everyone taking their dates here?! I mean, it can NOT be a coincidence that Iris brings Eddie here, whereas Barry chooses to bring Linda. Did she know he'll take Linda here because she doesn't look all that surprised to see them? You know what...knowing that idiot he probably accidentally told Iris where he was taking Linda on their date. If he did that, she's stalking Barry on his dates now. That's sad and pathetic.

Barry: "Iris, Eddie. Hey. What are you guys doing here?"

Iris: "We thought it would be fun."

She looked over at Linda, and I could see Linda's heart racing. She was scared and a bit nervous. Barry did tell me that he told Linda about Iris. So I understand why she's nervous around her. Probably scared that Iris is gonna blackmail her, like she did with Violet.

Iris: "Barry and I have been bowling here since we were kids."

Linda looked at Iris shocked, and then looked at Barry. Oh, shit, I don't think she knew that, and now she probably thinks that Barry lied to her. That he didn't like Iris. That was probably her plan all along. To make Linda feel smaller than her.

Iris: "Why don't you guys join us?"

I looked at her shocked. Um, she's here on a date with Eddie, who by the way, looks like he DOESN'T want them to join on his date with Iris. Barry and Linda are looking so uncomfortable. I could see Barry's heart racing. He was confused as to what to do. Is he for real, can't he tell his girlfriend is uncomfortable? Is he that dense?!

Eddie: "We don't wanna interrupt your date."

Barry smiled at Eddie, at least he cared about leaving Barry's love life alone.

Linda: "No, it's okay."

Barry looked at her shocked and a bit confused. I could tell she was lying, I have no idea why she lied though. If she doesn't like having a double date, why should she allow it? Did Iris threaten her as well?

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