Chapter 6: Plastique

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Edited: 3/13/2024

(Alex's POV)

I would be hanging out with Cisco and Caitlin right now if Barry hadn't invited them to some bar. And that's not the reason I am upset. Sure he can invite them to hang out, they're his friends as well. But he invited them to hang out with him, Iris, and her boyfriend Eddie. Now I would always hang out with my friends, even if I have to hang out with Iris as well. But she doesn't like me so much, that she didn't want me to tag along, and Barry didn't fight her on that. Speaking of Barry, I had asked Barry if I could hang out with him, but he found an excuse not to hang out with me. The only time we get to hang out is when we're at S.T.A.R. Labs. It's like he avoids me outside of S.T.A.R. Labs, and I don't know why. So, right now, Dr.Wells took me out to get something to eat. We are right not at Big Belly Burger, eating some burgers.

Alex: "Dr.Wells?"

He looked up from his food, and looked at me, with a curious look in his eyes.

Harrison: "Yes, Alex?"

Alex: " you think...Barry avoids me outside of S.T.A.R. Labs?"

His eyes widened, and he looked at me shocked. He then calmed down and sighed. He nodded his head. I knew it! I'm not the only one who sees that!

Alex: "Why does he avoid me?"

Dr.Wells looked unsure, clearly hiding something, but it looked like he wanted to tell me what it was. He sighed.

Harrison: "It's not my place to tell you, Alex. But Barry is an idiot to not telling you."

I looked at him confused, but then there was an alert on his phone. He picked it up and looked at it. He had this look in his eyes that told me, he looked intrigued. I looked at his phone, and whatever was on it, popped up in my eyesight. It was news alerts of a bombing on 8th and Pass. I hacked into security cameras around the building to watch as Barry got there.

Ace: "Barry just got there."

Harrison: "What's he doing?"

I see him just standing there, talking to someone. Probably talking to Cisco and Caitlin.

Alex: "Standing there, he's talking to Cisco and Caitlin."

He hummed. I then see a window washer hanging from his (Whatever they are called). He's gonna fall. 

Alex; "There is a window washer about to fall. Barry's gonna catch him."

He hummed. Just then I see Barry run up the side of the building, grab the man, and bring him back down. I then see Barry making his face blurry, because...because there is Iris, looking at him amazed, but also excited. I groaned. How the hell did Iris even get past police barricades?!

Harrison: "What's wrong?"

I snapped out of it and looked over at Dr.Wells. He looked at me worried.

Alex: "Nothing, just Iris. She got passed police barricades, and saw Barry."

He looked at me shocked and worried. Iris is writing a blog about the Flash, and if she saw the Flash, and recognized him. She might go off and post about seeing the Flash and recognizing him. That wouldn't be good at all because any Meta-human that goes after her to used against Barry.

Harrison: "That isn't good at all."

I sighed and nodded my head. We finished at food and then headed back home. Living with Dr.Wells is amazing. He has a big house, and I get my own room. We got home, and I helped him out of the van. We get inside.

Alex; "Goodnight, Dr.Wells."

He looked at me and smiled.

Harrison: "Night, Alex."

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