Chapter 32: Potential Energry

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(Harry's POV)

I've been working on the calculations I need to make the device I need to take Barry's speed. I huffed as I couldn't get the calculations right and I threw things off of a desk near me. 

Cisco: "Hey, no! Absolutely not!"

I tensed up and looked over to see Cisco walk into the workshop upset. I can't let him see my calculations, or else he'll figure out what I was trying to do and tell Barry and the others. If that happens, I won't be able to save my daughter and Alex.

Cisco: "You don't get to throw somebody else's stuff when you're pissed off."

I looked at him bored, and walked over to another desk, knocking all the things on it off the desk. He looked at me annoyed and walked over to pick them up, but he stopped when he saw my calculations. I freaked out, thinking he was gonna figure out what I was doing. If they find out what I am planning on doing, they're gonna lock me up in the Pipeline or send me back to my Earth. Then I wouldn't be able to save both Alex and my daughter.

Cisco: "What is this?"

I quickly grabbed an eraser and whipped the calculations away, so Cisco didn't see them.

Harry: "Wrong answers."

He doesn't question me on that, so it means...he didn't see what I wrote. That's good.

Cisco: "Maybe you're asking the wrong questions."

I looked at him confused. What does he mean by that? I never ask the wrong questions.

Harry: "What does that mean?"

Cisco: "I've been thinking about this a lot recently. We keep trying to come up with ways to make Barry faster, but I still think we can figure out a way to make Zoom slower."

I looked at him shocked and annoyed. We already tried that, and the plan failed. Barry was beaten and lost his mobility in his legs. Alex was also hurt by Zoom. Why would we try the same thing again?

Harry: "We tried that already, remember? Those darts didn't slow him down at all."

Cisco: "Yeah, I know...I'm not talking about the darts, okay? The darts clearly didn't work. They just pissed him off. I'm talking about something else...a way we can steal Zoom's speed."

I stopped whipping on the board and looked over at Cisco shocked and a bit interested in this.

Harry: "How?"

Cisco: "The Turtle."

I looked at him confused. Who the hell is The Turle? Cisco told me to go to the Cortex, and so I did. He got the rest of the team in here to tell them his plan.

Cisco: "As some of you may well know, I've been deeply embroiled in a secret, one-sided battle with an invisible enemy."

Alex groaned and I looked at her confused. She seems annoyed by whatever Cisco is about to bring up.

Alex: "No, not The Turtle again. Caitlin, why is Cisco talking about the stupid Turle again?"

Caitlin shrugged her shoulders. Ah, so he told them about this Turtle as well. Barry looked down at Caitlin confused.

Barry: "What? What is the...or who is the Turtle?"

She looked up at Barry, as he stood next to her. 

Caitlin: "It's Cisco's white whale."

Jay looked over at Caitlin confused and a bit shocked. 

Jay: "Half whale, half turtle?"

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