Chapter 9: Flash VS. Arrow

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Edited: 3/13/204

(Alex's POV)

I was sitting in the Cortex, writing in my journal, this is something that Dr.Wells told me to do. So I can write my feelings down. After Barry found out that I knew about him being my father...or well my birth father, he's been trying to "Make it up to me." and he's doing a shit job at it. Any time he makes plans to bond with me, Iris is either in trouble, that being she needs his help with something, and he goes to help her. Which is funny since last I heard, he wasn't speaking to her anymore. I guess he forgave her, which only annoyed me even more since she was the one who ruined my mother's life. The other times he has to cancel the plans are because of his job as "The Flash" and that annoys me.  Just then an alarm went off, snapping me out. I looked up from my journal, to see Cisco at the computers.

Cisco: "Barry, bank robbery in progress at Cunningham and Sampere."

Caitlin looked at Cisco shocked. Oh, right, that's her bank.

Barry: "Got it."

Caitlin: "Wait, that's where I bank."

Cisco: "Once super thieves showed up, I went mattress."

I looked at him confused because that made no sense to me. I looked at a computer and hacked into the security systems of the bank that was being robbed. I see people fighting other people. Okay, that's weird. It's like that scene in the church from Kingsmen. I looked to see someone grab a gun and point it at someone who didn't look affected by whatever affected everyone. The lady pulled the trigger, just in time for Barry to get there and save the man. This caused everyone to snap out of it, and the lady looked horrified. I feel so bad for her. Barry got back, wanting to take me to the station. I think because he knew I hacked into the security system.

So off to the station, we went. Once we got there, I looked to see everyone giving their statements. I walked over to one officer and gave him mine. Surprisingly he didn't realize I wasn't at the bank during the attack, so he took my statement. After he took my statement, I walked over to Barry, to see him looking at his captain's office. I looked over to see Eddie, and Joe inside. It looks like Eddie was arguing with his captain about something. The text bubbles popped up and I could tell what he was talking about to his captain.

Eddie: "Something is happening in this city and everyone wants to pretend like it isn't, but it is, and I think we should do something about it."

I tilted my head in confusion. Does he mean the Meta-humans? I don't think that is such a smart idea to tell the people of this city about Meta-humans. They will get scared, not knowing if someone is a Meta-human or not. This will cause panic, they wouldn't know who to trust or not.  The city will get overrun by fear and trust issues. People wouldn't trust Meta-humans because of the bad ones. Word will get out to the government, and they will enforce laws against Meta-humans, like in the MCU universe, laws against Mutants.

Singh: "My boyfriend has decided we need to eat healthy at home. So work is now the only place I can eat what I like."

Eddie looked at his captain confused about how that had anything to do with what he was just talking about. 

Singh: "Oh, I'm sorry, were you saying something, Detective?"

I snickered, I like him. Eddie frowned, clearly upset that his captain wasn't taking him seriously. His rate heart was picking up. He was clearly flustered.

Eddie: "The blur, The Flash, them an in the red suit...whatever he's called. He was spotted at the bank this morning."

Oh, is he gonna accuse The Flash of being the ones causing these Meta-human attacks? The captain looked at Eddie annoyed, clearly not taking Eddie seriously.

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