Chapter 30: Gorilla Warfare

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(Alex's POV)

I am sitting at a computer desk, watching as my father tries to stand up from the wheelchair that once belonged to Eobard Thawne. He complained about having to use the wheelchair, but I don't blame him. The man who killed his mother, framed his father for the murder, and controlled his life, used to sit in that very wheelchair. As I watched as my father stood slowly up from the wheelchair, my hand traveled to the back of my head. My fingers brush against the bandages on my head. It had been about a week since the incident with Zoom. I am still scared of going home, since now I know it's not safe there since Zoom knows where Dad and I live. My bruises and cuts have healed at this point, but it's my head that still hurts. Caitlin said I got a concussion from the hit that Zoom did.

I was told not to use my powers, in case I hurt myself even further. I watched as my father stood up from the wheelchair. One hand out, trying to steady himself, as another hand grips on the cane to help keep him up. Joe was by his side helping him, while Iris stood by, just standing there watching them with her arms crossed. She was annoyed that my father lost to Zoom, seeming more annoyed that The Flash lost to Zoom in front of so many people. Which annoyed me, because she should worry about my father, NOT The Flash.

Joe: "All right, I got you."

He holds onto Dad's arm to give him some support. We all watched as Dad struggled to walk. Caitlin was at Dad's side as well, looking at him all worried. Cisco stood behind the wheelchair where Dad was walking towards, while Iris stood by, again looking pissed off. Dad looked over at Joe and nodded his head. Joe let go of his arm and took a step back. Dad handed the cane over to Joe and he tried to take a couple of steps on his own. I watched as he struggled to walk towards the wheelchair. He was able to take five steps forward before his body gave up from the pain and he began to fall. Lucky Cisco got over to him in time, and instead of falling on the floor, he fell on the wheelchair. Joe helped him into the wheelchair. Dad's heart was racing and he looked annoyed, exhausted, and saddened by this. 

Barry: "I can't do it right now, all right?"

I heard Iris scoff and we all looked at her annoyed. Caitlin glared at her and then placed a hand on Barry's shoulder. Smiling down at him. Iris huffed and looked at Caitlin annoyed.

Joe: "Oh, yes you can, Barry."

Barry: "No, no, no."

Joe: "We've been making so much progress."

Oh, yes, six whole steps, and even then, he can't fully move because of the pain. He's a Speedster who once had a broken wrist that healed in three hours. It's been about a week. And while his bones did heal, it's gonna take more than this to get him back up and running...get it...running.

Barry: "Yep, six whole steps. Someone get me a Bozo button."

Cisco: "Hey, give yourself some credit. You just broke your back."

Iris: "Yeah."

We looked over at her to see she was leaning against one of the computer desks with her arms crossed. She frowned, looking annoyed with what we were doing. If she doesn't want to be here, why is she here?

Iris: "A normal person would've been paralyzed the rest of his life."

Dad didn't seem to listen to her and looked up at Caitlin. That appeared to have annoyed Iris. Ha, he ignored you, you bitch!

Barry: "How long until I'm fully healed?"

Caitlin: "The initial MRI I took a week ago showed a complete dislocation at the T12-L1 interspace of the thoracolumbar junction."

She pulled up an image of Dad's MRI. 

Caitlin: "But this is the MRI I took this morning. It's remarkable, but you're almost completely healed."

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