Chapter 31: Running to Stand Still

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(A/N: I skipped Legends of Today, because I wanted to add all the scenes together, but I haven't watched The Arrow or Legends of Tomorrow, so I don't know the scenes.)

(Alex's POV)

I groaned as I woke up. It's been a couple of weeks since Harry almost died, and Dad and Cisco went to Starling City and saved two ancient bird people from a crazy old man. It's now Christmas, and I don't really plan on celebrating it this year, especially not after what happened last year with Eobard. I get up and get dressed. I walk into the Cortext to see Cisco, Caitlin, Jay, and Iris. Iris looks flustered, Jay seems annoyed, and Caitlin looks unbothered. I looked at them confused.

Alex: "Um...what's going on here?"

Iris: "Nothing!"

I looked over at her confused, I noticed how her heart was racing really fast. Okay, so something definitely happened between her and Jay.

Caitlin: "Is everything all right?"

Cisco: "Yeah, I keep checking, but all is quiet on the Meta-human front."

That isn't a good thing actually. Normally when things are quiet, it means the bad guy is planning to do something, or something is going to happen.

Iris: "Do you think Zoom decided to take Christmas off?"

Jay looked at us confused. they not have Christmas on Earth-Two? Wow, what a shame, how else does he spend time with his loved ones? That's unless he has family or friends to spend Christmas with.

Jay; "What's Christmas."

The others looked at him shocked. Earth-Two doesn't have Christmas there. That's sad.

Caitlin: "Oh, well, it's this holiday we have where we cut down trees and sing songs to celebrate the birth of a baby 2,000 years ago, and then Romans killed him so we give each other gifts-"

We looked at her shocked because he asked about Christmas not fucken Christianity!

Cisco: "That's your explanation?"

Alex: "And to be fair, it was originally a Pagan holiday until Christians took it over. The same with Halloween, Easter, and other stuff."

They looked at me shocked, while Iris looked annoyed. Jay just started to snicker. We looked at him confused.

Jay: "I know what Christmas is."

Oh, he was joking. Caitlin looked shocked and a bit embarrassed. I mean, she DID go on a rant about Christianity.

Caitlin: "Oh, right, of course."

She nodded her head and then looked over at me for help. I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing what she wanted me to do.

Iris: "Um, you know, we're having people over for Christmas Eve, and Dad said we could invite whoever we want,"

Jay looked at her shocked. Her heart was racing, she was messing with her hands. Great, she's gonna invite him to the house now.

Jay: "Who...who do you want?"

Iris: "You."

Jay looked at her shocked and I could see how desperate she was to bring him to the house. I think she's trying to use Jay to get Dad jealous, but that isn't working. He likes Caitlin and Caitlin likes him. They're both not seeing anyone, so there is no jealousy anywhere.

Iris: "I want to invite you, I mean."

Cisco: "This is so painful. Have you guys seen Harry?"

Oh, that's right, is he okay after being shot and nearly dying? He's been avoiding me after saving Caitlin and me from Grodd. He won't tell us why.

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