Chapter 22: Rogue Air

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(Barry's POV)

I want you to take a moment and think about all the things that define your life. All the people you love. Your job, your coworkers, and your home. And now imagine if, one day, in a flash...all of that vanished. Would you simply accept your new life and continue on...or would you do whatever it takes, to get back what was taken from you? Because I can assure you...I will get everything that was taken from me. I sped over to Jitters and walked into the store to see Iris sitting at a table. She was going through some boxes. I walked over to her and sat in the chair across from her. I looked at the things on the table confused.

Barry: "What's all this?"

Iris: "Return labels for Eddie and me. I ordered 200 to start, but this afternoon 2,000 arrived. I guess I ordered wrong. I have so many now."

I could tell she was losing any hope that we would find Eddie. I mean, I'm losing hope a little bit as well. I looked all over the city and outside the city for Eddie and my daughter, but I couldn't seem to find them anywhere.

Barry: "Iris, we're gonna find Eddie."

She frowned and looked at me annoyed. I can't blame her for feeling upset, since I keep promising her that we will find Eddie, but we never do.

Iris: "How?! You've searched everywhere, more than once. And you haven't found anything. If we had Alex here, we'd probably find him!"

I sighed and nodded my head. She could easily help us locate Eddie.

Iris: "At a time like this, she decides to run off!"

My eyes widened and I looked at her shocked and confused. Why does she believe Alex ran away?

Barry: "Iris, Alex didn't run away. Wells hid her."

She scoffed and shook her head. I looked at her annoyed. Alex wouldn't have just run away. She would miss Caitlin and Cisco too much.

Iris: "Barry, I understand teenage girls more than you do. She's upset that her mother's side of the family wants her back, so she runs away. Probably to cool down. It's so...selfish!"

I gasped and looked at her shocked and pissed off. I mean, she's the REASON Violet's family even came here in the first place! Not to mention, Alex DIDN'T run away! She wouldn't run away because of her family! Not to mention, even if she did, that's not her being selfish! She doesn't know that Dr.Wells is using her, that he lied to her! How is she supposed to know that Eddie is kidnapped?

Iris: "I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you. It's just-"

Barry: "I don't care about that. But my daughter isn't being selfish, Iris."

She frowned and looked at me annoyed. She opened her mouth to say something, but then my phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at who it was. It was Cisco.

Barry: "It's Cisco. I gotta go."

She looked at me annoyed, but still nodded her head. I left and quickly got back to S.T.A.R. Labs to see that Joe was there as well. Cisco had Dr.Wells's wheelchair. I wonder what he's doing with that.

Cisco: "I kept asking myself...why would Dr.Wells pretend to need a wheelchair."

Caitlin: "Sympathy."

I don't really think that would have worked. I mean, the city already hated him for the Particle Accelerator. He wouldn't get sympathy from anyone, they would just tell him it was his fault that he put himself in that wheelchair.

Cisco: "That's what I thought at first. He's the man in yellow. The Reverse Flash. He's much smarter than that. Sympathy can't be the only reason."

Joe: "Misdirect. Like everything else Wells has done. I mean, the last person we'd suspect to be the man in someone who lost the use of their legs."

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