Chapter 8: Power Outage

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Edited: 3/13/2024

(Harrison's POV)

I get to the lab with Alex, and I head to the Time Vault. Alex was too busy with freaking out about the CPS worker coming today, that I am having her relax instead of training. I get to the Time Vault and get inside. The door closed behind me, and I stood up from the wheelchair. I took off the glasses and threw them lightly on the wheelchair. I walked over to the podium, just as Gideon appeared.

Gideon: "Good day, Dr., Wells."

Harrison: "One can always hope, Gideon. Bring up my log, would you?"

Gideon: "Certainly."

She then pulls up all the entries that I have made for the past 15 years. 

Gideon: "Go ahead, doctor."

Harrison: "New entry. It has now been 311 days since the lightning struck. The subject has begun relying on his speed in everyday life. Using his extraordinary solve ordinary problems. Accomplish ordinary tasks. Unfortunately, his penchant for the heroic persists. The fact is...he can be a bit of a show-off. And while his desire to help others is is impeding him from realizing the full scope of his abilities...but...there's still time. As the future remains intact."

I hover my hand over the podium and the article pulls up. It's an article from the future, saying how The Flash goes missing and the red sky disappears. The person who wrote this article is Iris West. This is the only thing that changed in the future. Iris and Barry get...or well, they were supposed to get married in the future. It should have been Iris West-Allen. But something changed. It's probably because Iris is the one that blackmailed Violet into not telling Barry about her pregnancy, and is the reason for Alex's suffering. Now she's telling him to NOT tell his daughter that he's her father. But he's too late for that. Alex already knows and she's not happy at all.

Harrison: "The future did change a little bit. But nothing that will affect my plan. The only thing that did change-"

I waved my hand over the podium, and the article changed. It's an article about Alex being adopted by Harrison me. So at least my threat did work on that CPS worker.

Harrison: "Alex is adopted by me, which is good because I can keep using her to make more projects, and use her against her father."

I took down the article and stopped the recording. I then walked back over to the wheelchair and put on the glasses. I sat down and left the room. I go down the hallway, and get to the Cortex to see everyone already here...well everyone besides Barry.

Harrison: "Where's Barry?"

Alex rolled her eyes, clearly not wanting to talk about her father, and I don't blame her. She was freaking the fuck out about this CPS worker and I could see her deleting all the information she collected on her father. I guess she doesn't need them anymore, since she knows who her father is.

Alex: "He's late, which is stupid since you would think someone with super speed wouldn't be late."

Caitlin and Cisco looked at her shocked, at the tone she spoke with. It is clear she isn't happy at all.

Caitlin: "Um...Alex is right. Being late is kind of his signature move."

She smiled, and I could tell she was smitten with Barry. It's also clear that he has a crush on Caitlin. And with what happened between him and Iris, I think he's falling deeper in love with Caitlin.

Cisco: "Hey, you guys wanna see my signature move?"

Just then there was a gust of wind and we looked over to see Barry, leaning on the side of the entrance with a cup of coffee in his hand. He was smirking, seeming smug. Alex rolled her eyes and went back to looking at her computer.

The Flash: Mini Flashحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن