Chapter 21: Grodd Lives

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(Barry's POV)

We've been searching for Eddie and my daughter, but we got nothing. I guess after the trap failed, Dr.Wells moved Alex somewhere. Because when we kept his house, she wasn't there. People are starting to question us about where Eddie was. I am worried about Alex and Eddie. He's like a brother to me now, and I worry Dr.Wells might do something to him. Alex as well. He's lied to her, he gain her trust by spoiling her. She'll believe anything he says because that's something about abuse victims. Most times, when they are love-deprived, anyone who shows them any sort of affection and love. They will cling to that person. Alex basically had it shoved into her skull that if anyone shows you kindness, or gives you something, you NEED to be grateful to that person. So even if Dr.Wells is using her, I highly doubt she'll care. She trusts Dr.Wells with every fiber of her being. That's what he wanted, for her to trust only his side over mine. To use her over me. To hurt me by using her. I get to the lab to see Cisco messing with the cameras we found everywhere that Dr.Wells placed in our homes, work spaces, and other places, to spy on us. I looked at him confused.

Barry: "Hey, are you planning on keeping all those cameras Dr.Wells used to spy on us? That's kind of creepy, don't you think?"

Cisco: "First rule of mechanical engineering dude. Never waste good tech."

I looked at him confused but nodded my head. Just then there was an alert and Cisco ran over to the computer to check it out.

Cisco: "Central City Gold Reserve's under attack."

Huh, oh, that's the case that Captain Singh wants us on!

Barry: "Gold? That's the case Singh wants us on. I'll be right back."

I got on my suit and sped over to the Central City Gold Reserve. Once I got there, I saw a big man decked out in body armor. I couldn't see his face.

Flash: "You picked a bad day for this, pal."

Just then my head started to hurt, and I got flashes of images that weren't my own in my head. I groaned in pain and fell. It stopped and I looked up to see that the man was all gone. I looked around confused.

Barry: "What was that?"

I sped back to S.T.A.R. Labs and Caitlin checked me out, just in case it was like Biolov all over again. We didn't need that since I don't want to bring Oliver and the others here while Dr.Wells is still out there. Who knows what he will do to them, to get to me? Or who knows what he will make my daughter do?

Caitlin: "Your eye movement is normal. No signs of neurological damage. Man, it would be better if we had Alex here. She would be able to tell us what happened to you in a heartbeat."

I sighed and nodded my head. I really need her, right now.

Cisco: "Do you think the thief might have been a Meta-human who put the whammie on you or something?"

Barry: "I don't know. When Rainbow Raider got in my head, all I felt was anger. But this was not that. This was overwhelming fear."

Caitlin looked at me worried and placed her hand on my arm. Cisco looked annoyed. I think it was because I used Caitlin's nickname for Biolov and not his. 

Cisco: "Looks like when you went down, the thief got disoriented too. Maybe you both got whammied?"

I looked at the video as it showed us both whammied. That's strange.

Iris: "Then you know how it feels."

I felt my heart jump and looked up to see Iris. I was still in my suit, so now she knows I'm The Flash. Oh, shit...Joe's gonna murder me! Well...after Iris kills me!

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