Chapter 11: Revenge of the Rogues

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Edited: 3/14/2024

(Ace's POV)

We were at the plane track because Barry wanted to train to get faster. After his loss to the man in yellow, he's been super determined to get faster. Dad seemed almost proud...but I don't think he was proud of Barry...but of himself. I don't know why. Barry was running down the plane track, as one of our drones chased after him with bombs. Barry wanted Cisco to make his training harder for him. He just nearly missed a bomb. Caitlin cringed.

Caitlin: "That was too close."

I looked over at her and could tell she was really worried about Barry.

Cisco: "He told me to make it hard."

He didn't look away from his target, as in...Barry. Caitlin's head snapped at him, and she looked at him shocked and worried.

Harrison: "Remember, this is just supposed to be a training exercise to improve Barry's speed."

I nodded my head as I sat next to Dad. I was doing the homework that Caitlin had given me. Though I don't believe I need to do this, mostly since I am now, a human-computer and am smarter than Dad himself. But she told me it's so I had a high school degree, and then later a college degree.

Barry: "Cisco, you gonna bring it or what?"

I looked over at Dad, just as Cisco looked over at him. Dad was blanking looking at the plane track.

Harrison: "Bring it."

Cisco smirked and nodded his head. He started to shoot more missiles at Barry. He ran but then suddenly stopped for some reason. Caitlin's heart skipped a beat.

Caitlin: "Why isn't he running away?"

The missile gets closer to him, and I swear I saw movement in the corner of my eye. I looked over to see Dad leaning forward. He's probably getting nervous. I mean, Barry is his younger self, and if anything happened to him, it would affect him as well. Suddenly there was an explosion, and I dropped the pencil I was writing with. I bent down to pick it up when I noticed something strange. Dad's foot had moved from its place in the wheelchair to the floor. But that's impossible, he shouldn't be able to move it...unless he's not paralyzed. Why would he lie about that? There was a gust of wind, and I got back up to see that Barry was now in front of us. He grinned, seeming proud of himself. Caitlin grinned seeming happy for Barry. I noticed how his heart skipped a beat. Clearly, he has a crush on her. 

Harrison: "Very impressive, Mr. Allen."

Barry grinned, happy to hear that.

Caitlin: "Your reaction to stimuli at super speed continues to improve."

Barry seemed to be happy about that as well. I think it's mainly because of Caitlin and not because he's getting faster. She walked over to him and handed him a towel. He whipped the sweat off his face, and I saw how Caitlin's heart skipped a beat. I swear I'm gonna end myself if they don't confess their feelings for each other!

Barry: "It's still not enough."

Dad smiled and nodded his head. He knew he needed to get faster to stop the Reverse Flash. Maybe that's why he's pretending to be paralyzed. So his mortal enemy didn't put all his focus on him, and instead put it all on his younger self?

Harrison: "It will be. You keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, and you will be ready the next time your man in the yellow suit comes around."

I smiled and nodded my head. If he gets faster than this man, then he'll be able to defeat him and put an end to his rain of terror.

Cisco: "I think you mean, the Reverse Flash."

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