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A large luxury cruise ship with Cyberton influence of the Prosperity era. Where theatre and art went through and touched many sections in architecture, frames and making functional items more glamours with its shiny colour metal and pattern edges. Rooms with walls telling legendary tales etched into them. Figures of fierce beast and great warriors of old times on front of ships. The luxury cruise ship heading too a diplomatic talk about trade, security, and recognition of the independence that the civilians that live on the third moon of Cybertron. The ship housing two of the most import council members as well a peace offering for the leaders of the third moon. Plus, crew and representee own security team. Team Bee and Team Prime being part of the security. It was not Bees team usual assignment. From tracking rouge Decpeticons and savings Cybertron and Earth from danger. However it was opportunity to introduce new task for his team. Having very little experiences with working on planning to keep their objective safe. Starting with knowing how many cybertrons where on the ship and learning who may have abilities to stop those negations from happening. In one of the assign rooms meant for staff; Bee team were doing security checks on crew and passengers.

"Come on there must be thousand cybertrons on this ship." Sideswipe groans. Flopping back in his chair.

Strongarm frowns at him "there are sixty crew members on this ship, less than 150 guest, two diplomats with their assistants and team prime. Not a thousand."

"Yes but 150 guest." Sideswipe snark back. "All rich and all have some kind of influence."

Bumblebee can feel a helm ache forming from  an  hearing their argument that is about to start and it only been what they call four earth days. It must be underwhelming from the constant action. Bumblebee even had them to explore and map out the ship and testing on their stealth. Grimlock did very well surprising them. Then Bumblebee worked out that the guest thought Grimlock was lost and basically helped him and for others that knew he was dino bot, kept far away from him. If only they knew that Grimlock was just one of the friendliest bots he ever met. It however helped with the mapping and finding old corridors that are too narrow for beings bigger then a minibot. And with the most glamours part of the ship on top beside the deck and then becoming more practical as the lower you travel.

A message pop up in his helm. It was Backburn. An assistant too Metalhawk. Metalhawk did not appease to Bumblebee as his views about the civil war and seem to believe the Autobots symbol represent a time of repression. As if he understood about these things and what happen. Bee had learnt to reserve judgement with every bot he came across. And thanks to his long time on Earth had taught him a lot. With their history and philosophy. Now heading too the third moon of Cybertron to re-establish a trade connection. Though they are considered part of Cybertron. The citizens of the third moon do not consider themselves as part of Cybertron. They saw themselves as a separate civilization and just like the Decpticions did not agree with those in power at the time. Now after five hundred years of continues peace and Cybertron now thriving with new families and many cities repaired and thriving better than they once were. A message had been given to them in re-establishing the famous trade rout. A trade rout that held strong until discord between them almost at the end to the golden age and then the third moon went silent. Nothing much was known and any information was vague. Even when Optimus Prime spoke to the Matrix it did not give any answers.

Reading the message from Backburn a twitch of a smile on appear on Bees lips. Backburn a bronze and blue transformer. Who looks close to Ferrari F8 when he did transform and he would stand half a helm higher than Bee. When they did talk. Backburn would ask about him and his day. It was nice as many would react as one too a famous celebrity. And to be fair he is sort of is a celebrity. Being one of the few mechs and femmes that help stop Megatron. The other sort wanted to know more or try to get close to one of his friends through them. However mostly Optimus Prime through him. Lucky it was fewer than expected.

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