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Bumblebee found himself walking with Queenie and with her master into a lavish building. Bots presented in glossy amour and wearing trinkets. These bots as Bee start to formulate where bots that have an exceptional skill. Bots that could become part of their master's sabotage games. These bots are bots that Bumblebee found himself in constant combat within the war. And putting your talents to the test could propel your ranking in the army on either side. It can make you your valuable to trade. They were not the type of bot that Queenie master wants to purchase. A quientesson came running up as his one face puff out like a puffer fish.

"Ow esteem guests what can I do for you?" As his head bob.

The master float forward "I would like a gladiator."

"A gladiator of course. Is there a skill that you want. Do you favour speed over strength?" Now their whole-body bobbing.

"What I want will pretermit on what you have to show. Now take me to your gladiators." The master says with disdain.

"Of course, of course. Follow this way." As they turn to lead them.

They went past labour bots. Though that are deem with no skill. They are chain to the wall with their heads bowed as they avoid optics. Bee can feel anger and as his optic scans on ways to break them out. They walk futher down and into an open arena. Bots that are three to five times bigger than Bee. There are five training. As two were sparing and the other two going over drills. The fifth was standing far from the others.

"These are my gladiators as you can see; very strong, very skilled. You won't find better." As he gives a big smile.

The master push Queenie. She looks up at his. Her face spin and lands on curiosity/doubt. She then turns her head to back to Bumblebee. The master that morning had given Queenie a talk on how to select her gladiator. What to avoid and what to look for. Once she was alone with Bee her being tremble.

Whispering "what if they don't like me."

Bee told her that she could make a test. Something that would create a bit of insight on who they are. They made a storm cloud and working out what makes it good and what makes it bad. Finally settling on a test.

"B-127. Give them the test." She says in a clear voice.

Bee nodded. The quientesson rubs his long tentacle arms. "What test is that may dear guest."

Queenie looks down on him. "To test their conviction. I don't want a gladiator to fail because of weak spark. So, I suggest that you let my servant down there to give them the test."

The quientesson does a complete body bob. Reminding Bee of the bubble head dolls that sat in some of the cars that soldiers would put up for luck. He even has one. That he lost sometime during Jasper. They nod again before leading Bumblebee down the staircase to a gate that allow him to enter into the arena.

The arene looks massive from looking up and it takes a few seconds for Bee to be able to spot Queenie. Taking a jar out from his subspace he looks at the queintesson.

"My master what you to introduce me as your new slave. If you hint that this is a test my master won't be pleased." Keeping voice neutral. "I will ask them to open this jar to get this packet of seeds. If they do not we continue to the next."

They approach the two that are doing their pattern. A green and a yellow feme. They look like Celtic warriors. As they swung their short sword and keeping their shield close. They stand twice as high as bumblebee.

"Can I have your attention G-55 and Y-62." They stop simultaneously as their optics stare down at the quientesson. The quientesson huffs however they avoid looking directly at them. "This is my new slave B-127."

They turn and narrow their optics at him. Bee made himself look small as he shuffles closer bring the jar up to them. "Can one of you please open this jar for me."

G-55 look at the jar and snorts "I am busy why don't Y-62 open the jar for you."

The yellow feme came closer and look at the jar. Then turn her head to look at the quientesson. "Do you order me to open the jar."

"It's not my jar." Huff the quientesson.

"Then its is not my problem little one. And the sooner you rely on yourself the better." And then pat the top of Bumblebees head.

"Follow me B-127."

They walk to the one that was far from the others as they sat and polish their mace. They look little like a mix of soundwave and shockwave. And their paint scheme is black and red. Only their one optic an ultra-light blue. Bee takes a closer look and finds differences in the feme. The have round nubs on their helm. And the where more clockwork than computer chip.

"This is a hybrid." The quientesson spits infront of it. "B-127, meet Whitenoise. Whitnoise B-127 is my new slave."

Whitenoise did not look up. Bee stepping forward showed the jar. "Can you please open the jar?"

They did not respond and kept cleaning their mace. The quientesson huffs. "They excel at fighting. Not in anything else."

They turn and made there way to the sparing pair. Bee turn hearing small noise. Allowing his audio horns to come up. Bee can make out a mumbling a riddle.

"What cannot talk but reply when spoken too? What cannot talk but reply when spoken too?" repeating the sentence over and over.

Bee replies "an echo."

Whitenoise pauses and looks at them with their one optic.

Turning around Bee walks t follow the quientesson. The two gladiators stop. Again, the quientesson introduce Bee and still none takes the jar. This maybe harder than Bee thought as like many things, a simple test does not mean much. And cannot guarantee that the bot will be a good fit in their mix group of odd balls. As they walk towards the gate a tap on Bee shoulder made him turn around and there is White noise with their servo open.

"Thank you."

And with a grabbing motion Bee gave the jar to Whitenoise. Whitenoise open the jar. Bee responds. They have just found Queenies gladiator and protector.

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