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It was morning and Bee Hud dings with a message marking as important. The message making weariness settle into his protoform. The demonstration of an unknown technology. However, before than his team are going to have to go over all precautions of what Starscream could do and then cover anything that is improbable and label under possible. Starscream may be hated by the fates however is favoured by lady luck the same luck that brings Starscream back to his door; just as cat brings a dead mouse to their human.

Getting off his recharging berth and feeling his wires and hydraulics move under his armour as they shift things back into place. Sitting up and stretching his low back and hearing the click as the last of the seams and plating move backs into place. Checking the time Bee starts his morning routine. Making a warm energon and giving his joints an inspection and a bit human invention of WD-40. Something by chance he found helpful. And would have Ratchet scoffing. To be far Fixit has been using it too around his wheels on Earth. Afterall Cybertron is nearly completely made from metal. Meaning no dust and dirt. Meaning humans invented something a cybertron would not think of when grim gets into seams. Checking his chomo-meter and having a bit of quite time before the start his job. Bumblebee takes a chance to read one of cybertrons oldest fables from a shop selling things from the golden era. A cybertron who fell in love with Primus creations. A gift to cybertron people. A being that brought hope back to the people. Represented with a circle with four words of power. Taking out pair of glasses from his subspace; Bumblebee sat down to read as the words draw him a world far from what he knows. His heart races; coming to the part where Primus is talking to the bot and stating the price of immortality is to give up greatness...

A loud banging interrupts Bee. With a sigh and his door wings drooping, Bee puts down the data pad and makes his way to the door. Knowing that Sideswipe or Strongarm could be behind that door with one of their arguments. With that thought Bee yanks it open ready to scold them. To find Starscream standing and looking down at him.

"What is it you want Starscream." Bee deadpans.

Starscream stares at him for a moment "I demand to be escorted to the second floor."

"And I have work to do Starscream and you also have a job to do too so can your request be fulfilled later." Keeping his voice level after all he is a professional law enforcer.

"Ha" Starscream mocks "I knew I should not ask you. You don't understand the importance of appearances. I should of ask the red one. At least he knows."

Bee grits his teeth knowing its Starscream favourite tactic. With a quick glance around gives a sneer as his optics have little flecks of red. Bee speaks low "At least I don't look like a poor budget villain in high heels."

Starscream "why you little bug." And goes to grab Bumblebee only to find his body forcefully stop.

"Attacking an officer Starscream" Bee clicks his tongue.

Starscream pulls back and relaxes as an evils smile appears. "And your little comment like that can destroy your reputation, Lieutenant. Your follows would be so disappointed that the nice little Bumblebee that never has a bad thing to say, spoke like that."

For the first time of all the memories of being told that they are not the real Bumblebee. Being called an imposter, fake or look-a-like. Giggles burst from him.

Starscream sneers "what is so funny."

It made Bee laugh harder. An alarm goes off informing he should be making his way to their temporary base to meet up with his team and make possible plans of what Starscream or Megatron would do if they manage to escape their restraints before doing weapon training and a mix team competition.

Bee sidesteps around Starscream and starts to make his way to were he needed to take Starscream. And Bumblebee knows that Starscream did not like being ignored.

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