Ch. 29

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Ratchet lead the way as they travel to the basement of the hospital. Starscream can hear before he sees that well known sound of training. As the yells and clangs. From over the top of shelves of racks the helm of Whitnoise can be seen. When they get close Starscream can see Queenie moving as they pull and throw a rope dart around. The fight must have been going for a long time. The fast movement and the snap of the fabric held steady the effort is slow and the pull back are quick. Whitenoise is faring better than Queenie however they miss opening when they should have been taken. Goldfire just glance at them and continue to follow Ratchet to a medical bay. Another transformer with long horns and red paint.

"So, you finally convince him Ratchet. And who's this?"

"This Checkers this is Starscream. He's new to Queenie team."

Checkers violet optics stare at Starscream. Starscream have only been strip down that much when he first had his frame altered. As if they can pull your working apart and know what you like from the centre out.

A loud clang as Whitenoise has brought Queenie to the floor. Her cheeks puff out as they exhale deep.

"Forty-five seconds more Queenie. That's a new record."

Queenie groans " I won't ever reach five minutes."

Goldfire buzzes. "Maybe you should try using a different staragity." They state.

Queenie growns. "So are we leaving now."

"No. You, Starscream and Whitenoise will be leaving. I promise that Ratchet can to a checkup on me."

Queenie snorts. As giggles came out. "You check up. No way."

Goldfire sighs.

Whitenoise picks Queenie off the floor. "I am happy to hear that you are reciving a checkup. You have a fight in two days."

Queenie humfs as they cross their arms. "We always win. Why they keep challenging us."

Goldfire patts her head. "We are profitable. Even when they loose they still get a cut of the profits."

"that's stupid." Queenie snarks.

Whitenoise places their servo on Queenie hear. Her servo almost a complete blancket covering the head. "We should be going."

A couffing sound came. "Can we keep Starscream. I can do a light checkup and once Goldfire is done they will need help getting back."

Queenie pouts as she folds her arms. "But Its' my time with Goldfire."

Goldfire chuckle and his cheeky grin appear. "Have you forgot what we be doing tomorrow?"

Her face goes blank and a slow oh of her mouth form. "So, means that I can choose Whitenoise amour?"

"Yes. Just as they promise. So go."

With that Queenie grabs Whitenoise arm, White noise almost topple to the ground. They look like a mouse pulling a loin. Goldfire glance at Starscream as their spark twists. Starscream glances at them and quickly advert their optics.

"Okay Goldfire. Come here. I am going to suspend you in this frame. You be paralysed while in it. However, you can override it with an emergency key. Do you understand?"

Goldfire looks at what seems to be a chair. Howere there are fine wires and plug that will attach to them. Taking a breath. Goldfire aprouch the chair. "Yes I understand."

Goldfire sat as the hook him up. Starscream watch as Checkers and Ratchet move as they test. As the final plug is place into Goldfire medical port. They became limp. As if they been given a system sleep command. Though their optics are bright as ever.

"Now the fragging scary part."

Starscream snorts. He seen worse. The three pair of optics look at him. Checkers grins before going back to task. As Starscream watch as they start to remove Goldfire chest plate. They place it to the side. The spark chamber. Glowing bright as the blue almost white. As pump move energon around. Checkers and Ratchet start to move as the wriggle with and a series of clicks can be heard, Ratchet and Checkers nearly miss grabbing what was being remove. And with a quick count they remove the spark chamber. Starscream reacts as his wings flare as the side arms activate as they point at them.

"What are you doing!" as he hiss.

Ratchet roll their optics. "Calm down. It's a fake. This is a fake."

"A fake?"

"Yes! Now put that weapon down."

Lowering starscream continue to watch as they remove a frame as more protoform being shown in intense ion. As clogs and springs move with the dark as only the movement of them alerting to what is hidden among them. There are many glass links around the abdominal area. And each little glass link is fall of charge. And a spark chamber with small circles of green and purple light. And a window that glow a golden light.

"Goldfire, do you want to see?"

With a slight nod. Checkers bring forth a mirror. Showing what every one can see. A loud blare over the speakers goes over. An emergency has happened and all doctors are needed. Checkers glance at Ratchet. It continues.

"I'll start mapping, you go Ratchet."

"You be okay Goldfire."

Goldfire helm nods again. Ratchet leaving as quickly as they can. Checkers looking around for his sketch pad and drawing supplies.

Starscream walks towards the cage that held the fake spark. Peering he sees that the spark chamber will flicker. As he looks at them closer. He can see that electricity arcs out onto the glass. As he looks at the chamber, he sees that it is isolation around and that the cage is protecting the T-clog. His optics widen is surprise. As he looks more. It came clear that the T-clog builds that power of the electricity that than is then travel out. As Starscream calculate the power behind it. Spark pull it self tight and small as possible.

"Are frag." Checkers curse as the drawing pen

"Hey Starscream can you make sure Goldfire is all right. I have to find another pen."

Nodding. Checkers left leaving Starscream and Goldfire in the room. Making his way over. He can make that Goldfire watching him. This time Starscream pays attention to everything about thim. That every piece was made with decsions. What has been altered or added. What had may once been there. Coolent flush the heat out of him. Making him feel cold. Soon they were kneeling beside them.

"When I pulled the T-clog out. I could have died."

A tired giggle leave, Goldfire mouth. "But you didn't."

Starscream frowns. Goldfire processor seems sluggish and his mood happy. Whatever it was to keep him calm and to keep him from out of shock must be powerful. Taking a chances Starscream takes note of the way some of the systems where a twist of ariel and grounder parts. A mis-mash of goriest experiment. However, his mind picked up the advantages of the systems. Less fuel required to run with their size. Speed and strong light frame. However, the disadvantages where just as bad. Goldfire was fragile as light meant thin; in that many injures will set them back and will take years to recover. The hybrid fuel requires parts that are hard to find. It maybe the reason why Goldfire choose to be caught more often than just being target. Its than he sees the real spark chamber. Being a prince, he had access to many documents on all information. And the spark chamber is beautiful. There are windows showing bright gold and at the edges of the window purple and green. The chamber is silver and gold entering into the chamber and crystals place in random patterns. At time the chamber would twist and turn in a dance before settling down.

"What does it look like?" Goldfire ask.

And with no sneer. Starscream subscribe. Committing the moment to memory.

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