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Voyager finds prime in a library. A section of it focuses on legends and myths. He was reading data pad after data pad. Stack on piles of each other and covering almost two tables. Taking a deep invent; Voyager walks up to him. Her spark sober as the only other bot beside herself would look at Bee as one of their own.

"Prime, may I talk to you." Hoping voice did not come out small.

Optimus looks up his optics looking faraway. "yes you can talk."

"Are you going to listen" Knowing the look. She the same look as her mind work as Bee inquisitive nature and with his constant questioning and being surprise when Bee made her promise.

Optimus hesitates. He wanted to know where Bumblebee may have gone. Afterall the portal appearance not uncommon is still rare. It still appear enough to interfere with traveling and to be documented. When looking at Voyager. Their optics penetrate into him. Seeing him. He places the pad down.

"Yes. I am listening."

"How much do you trust your council respective?"

Optimus can feel his automatic answer however Voyager glare made it clear that lying would not be tolerated.

"I do not know. Some of their actions have surprise me."

Voyager nods. She knew how to be diplomatic. To talk and not give to much away. And now she found it hard with the knowledge that burdens her. She tried so hard to stop Bee from participating in the war. Only to be confronted in what would happen if she did not let him join.

Voyage tries to smile only coming out sad "I don't trust the council. Then again, I never did. Use to royalty. Can always be sure what royalty would do. Only one person to please. Though a heavy burden to carry for just one bot."

"I take it that you have many expertise with royalty."

Voyage smile "yes and many do care about their people. And just like the primes, they were given gifts to help the with adversity or to bestow on their people. Be it constant source of food or they ability to transform."

"So does the council of Incipient have bestowed power?" Ask Optimus Prime.

Voyage smiles "in away yes. However, it is more through hard work and wisdom." Her hands waving in show of the library. How years of knowledge can grow.

Optimus amour tense as he spots a Decpticon symbol on the back of her servo. His body stutter. Voyage must have seen his reaction.

"I see you spot my Decpiticon symbol."

"I did not know that you were a Decpticon." Optimus says with a warble in his throat. As many fights between him and them.

Voyage gave a sad smile "I was a Decpiticon before Megatron revive the symbol. For many bots it is a symbol of rebellion. To gain freedom back for the new bots to come. To fight when all options are all exhaust."

Optics going wide "you where a solider for Megatronus?"

Voyage smile disappears "No. not Megatronus."

"Then who."

Voyage look far into the past and an attentive smile appear "I was not in the war."

Optimus looks a Voyage. She was old with her fine transformer seams hang loose from wear and tear. Her platting thick around the chest and peds heavy. Her clutches held tightly within her hands. Her weight completely on them.


Bumblebee wounds heal quickly and it help that medic Joltknack. Having completed a scan and leading to be given a medical enrich airline energon made for him. Joltknack sat across from him drink his own while Bumblebee cups his.

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