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Knockout lay down on his recharge berth. Tomorrow they will do a control crash on Incipient. Many engineers spending long hours fixing the structure and the engine. The captain has informed them that they will advise everyone what they have to do closer to impact time. Though many staff have pre-set pods ready to launch. They were basic pod and timing is important; to early and they will get caught in the rings, and too late and they may have terminal impact. Knockout hate waiting.

A buzz of from his communication frequency with Ratchets number appearing. Ratchet was not really a bot to give a friendly call. Opening the call Knockout sees a very tired Ratchet with dim optics and peeling paint. A sign of stress. Knockout may be vain and has no problem of pointing out Ratchets bad health habits after putting up with Ratchet for many years. However, this feels different. Just as meeting and saving Breakdown feels different. Life changing.

"How can I help you Ratchet."

Ratchet frame loosens as a vent flow out from him. "I have medical files that I need to give to you of a patient of mine." He says.

Knockout optic ridges rise high. Ratchet is protective of all of his patients' files and so help a medic if they try and take a patient from him.

"I am flatted that you would share. However, what brings this up?" Knockout asks. Acting calm as his spark twist with fear of what he will hear.

Ratchet optics stare down and in an almost inaudible whisper speaks. "They are on Incipient. And a close friend. It is complicated."

Knockout frowns as coldness settles in. As his mind supply that there is a story behind this friendship. "What so special about this patient?"

Ratchet looks up and his optics strong with determination "something beyond what you know or could randomly think of. I can't even explain it. Just show you the file."

The file came on an empty data pad. Triple encoded and with a password encryption that changes after each use. Opening Knockout starts to read. His fans kick in and Knockout could not tell if it was excitement or fear.

"And Knockout. You cannot tell or show anyone." Ratchet voice heavy of hidden consequences.


It was a horrific emergency of a mine cave in that flood the hospital with wounded miners. Medics all rushing around. Bumblebee in the thick of it. Listening and watching and making sure the tools for the medics are ready for use. For a time, it was like the being of the clival war. Every life supporting machine and spark stabiliser are in use. It was when the medics start to perform surgery that a mech arrive with a femme minicon. A bright pink and black with energon puddling the floor. Every other medic trying to keep their patient alive did not see them. And as a guardian as Bumblebee sees him; Ratchet appear as Bumblebee always knew he would. He can see Ratchet perform his critical assessment as he leads them to a trolly to rest the minicon on. Bee can see how Ratchet starts to frown angrily as he moves to stop energon flow. It is when Ratchet face turns to shock scares Bee.

"I need a SED!" Ratchet bellows.

A nurse went to informing that every SED was in use. Bee can feel his peds move before he can think and then he was there. Seeing the open chest as the spark flicker out of rhythm. Bee goes to grab the spark chamber only for an orange servo to stop him. Bee looking at Ratchet uncertain face.

"Trust me." Is all Bee can say.

Ratchet servo trembles then lets go. Bee places his charge servos on the chamber sending a rhythmic pulse. Bee never told Ratchet in fear of letting him down when they can save a bot. That the pulse that each spark would send give glimpse of the bots' memories with strong tides of emotions.

Ratchet cannot believe his optics as Goldfire servos crackle with electricity. As Goldfire humms under their chin. Creating a rhythm for the spark to follow. Stabilising the minicon. Rachet taking a vent starts to perform surgery. Goldfire will move to allow him to do his job. Right then has he been more grateful as he closes the last pipe together. Goldfire stands still as they lower the charge watching the spark. As they stand still. The minicon spark starts to pulse weak however by its self. It is when they look up at a purple and red with a spike on each shoulder. It is Alpha Trion.

"Are they going to be all right?" Alpha Trion asks.

Rachet gives a smile "yes, they be all right. If you don't mind, can I ask who you are?"

The mech gives a smaller smile "I am Primary State. And can I ask who I am thanking?"

"I am Ratchet and this is Goldfire." Ratchet pointing to himself then at Bee.

"After you and everyone is done so much to save our lives, let me provide energon for all of you." Primary State or 'Alpha Trion' place a fist over their chest. As the autobot symbol is showing proud on his chest. A show of respect.

Ratchet did not know what to say, however Bumblebee sees an opportunity to get back where he belongs.

"We will be happy to accept your gratitude Primary State" bowing low with his fist above his spark.

It was a long and tiring night with Bumblebee assistances needed for two more bots. Once every medic and nurse having save the last bot, they settle down in the cafeteria where Primary State as promise gave them energon.

Ratchet sitting beside Goldfire listen as he jokes and laughs with the other medics. Ratchet however could not help remembering how Goldfire thrown the wrench with ease. And now when Goldfire sees or hears a patient, nurse or doctor doing something he calls stupid he would freely let the wrench fly. Never had he seen someone be given so much admiration and fear at the same time.

"How do you do it?" Ratchet asks.

Goldfire looks at him with a carefree smile "do what?"

"Throw those wrenches and hit their mark?"

Goldfire deeply laughs "I would say I learnt by accident from a friend of mine. They are constantly grumpy."

"So, you observe them doing that enough times to copy." Ratchet voice becoming higher.

"Yes, and unfortunately I was a subject to his throws to the helm a couple of times."

Ratchet spits out his energon back into his drink coursing Goldfire to laugh harder that he almost fell off a chair.

"It you want I can teach you?" Goldfire giving a big grin.

Ratchet nods in agreement. After all it would be cool to able to do it.

The next morning Ratchet gets a rude awakening by Goldfire. Goldfire looms over him and with a drill sergeant voice and says in a loud voice "Up we get, training starts today."

"What" as a groggy Ratchet looks at the time. "Its not even breakfast time.

"That's right you won't have time after breakfast, so time to get up."

Ratchet just turn around on his berth "I get up later just another hour."

"No can do." As Goldfire walk to the side of the berth. Placing his servos on the side.

Ratchet was not worried. He is heavier than the minibot so there is no way it can make him move. Ratchet however is totally wrong as Goldfire tips him off the berth letting him crash on the floor.

From then on, every morning Ratchet learns to throw wrenches and then other objects. And every morning Goldfire has a new way of making Ratchet get up in the morning. Then soon Ratchet starts joining Goldfire routine with hand to hand combat and free running. Though everyone notices a slight extra grumpiness from Ratchet from lack of being able to sleep in.

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