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When Queenie saw the sharkicon attack Groundbreaker fear clentch her spark as they pummel into her. Her pleads laughed at. It is when Goldfire came flying and standing smaller than them however truly beat them. She wanted to fight like them. A power to protect to stop the hurt. And in that brief moment a foreign thought travel in her mind. To avenge her master and all those that hurt her family and friends. And if she could fight like him she would be able to.

So now she has to plead to her master. Her beloved creator. As he lay weak in a berth as his face rest on life. Life is smooth and round and cheerful. Bright yellow cheeks and constantly smiling with bright pink optics.

"Hello poppet. I am glad to see that you brought Ratchet with you." His timber voice can make anyone clam.

Queenie could not help herself and jump up beside him. As her tentacles fold themselves to allow her to sir.

"You should have seen it master. Goldfire taken down four Sharkicon single handily. He saves Groundbreakerand me. And the best bit is he has no master. Can I be his master pretty please. He can teach me hoe to fight." Opening their eyes of war as big as they can go.

"Oh yes" Ratchet adds in with a smile on his face. "He has taught me how to fight and is a very good teacher."

Her master frowns as he looks at Ratchet and then turns his head to Queenie as his face spin to wisdom. "Learning how to fight is an important skill and requires dedication Queenie and you are still do young and have yet to reach the next stage of growth."

Queenie pouts then with a whine in her voice says, "but can I be his master pleases." Making her optics as big as they can go.

Groundbreaker with Bumblebee walks in.

"I see you wasted no time in convincing them." Says Groundbreaker.

Ratchet huffs and mumbles under his chin "it almost worked."

Bumblebee with his sensitive audio horns picking up what Ratchet said. A thought pops in his mind and Bee makes his own suggestion "I am happy teach her the basics with my other student, if they are willing to wake before four in the morning."

"Yes, four in the unnatural morning. Who wakes up four in the morning." Ratchet snaps back.

"I wake up at four in the morning." Queenie says as her head begins to bob up and down.

A groan leaves Ratchet. Queenie brings her large eyes back onto Bee and then turn back to her master.

"Oh fine. Only for as long as I am here you can learn." As the master sighs.


In the following weeks Queenie will wake up early and stand outside his room to help them get Ratchet up. It was by far her favourite part of the morning. Then Goldfire would start with basics and give he a task that she has to achieve and a training pattern and once able to master she than learn a new pattern and new task. Then he will send her back to her master to have breakfast with them and help Groundbreaker with her chores. As Ratchet and Goldfire continue their routine. Then for the rest of her day she will follow Goldfire everywhere. Asking questions and talking about anything that pops in their head. Even when Queenie master was fixed, she will be there waiting for training. Her master giving up stoping her leaving to the medical faciclity. Goldfire has lots of patience. Patience that reviles her master. Soon it was agreed by the rest that Goldfire had a little manager. And if you want to know where Goldfire is you just have to ask them.

Before long the gladiator champion games have started. And Ratchet sponsor with a very old bot came in. The Quientesson goes right up to Ratchet as many bots waiting and some being help where they stand.

"Ratchet you will be my new gladiator medic. So read up and be ready in month time. They will be taking your spot here."

The queitesson thrusts the data pad into Ratchet arms and floated away. The whole floor is silent. Joltknack being right beside Ratchet whisper for Ratchet to have a break and they will look after the old medic. News travel to Goldfire and Queenie. Soon they were in the cafeteria with Ratchet.

"They, say my sponsor will be expecting me to participate. I did not listen." Ratchet moans. "I never fought in my life. I will be offline if I go out there."

Bee listens as Queenie sits on their lap. As they listen to Ratchet run many plans however all would not be possible with the amount of time they have. Until Ratchet puts his helm onto his hands slumps down in defeat.

"I can teach you how to survive a battle."

Ratchet looks back at him. Any remark is held back as whatever face he wearing. He has must be on, is the one Jazz once mentions that his whole face plates a cold mask before a Spec OP mission. A type of coldness that a war titian must have worn when they barrel a whole city.

Bee repeats again "I can help you survive. I can teach on top of the skills that you gain and evolve them to actually fight in a battle."

Ratchet looks at him and with a resign sigh agrees to Bee offer.


The next morning when Ratchet wakes up. Goldfire was not there. Wondering through the corridors and checking every Goldfire usual places. It is when he gets a ping to come down to the basement. The basement normally dark and have little lighting is now bright and as he enters the open space does Ratchet sees Goldfire waiting for him. Goldfire has his mask up and optics glow blue at the center however fine red rim on the outer of optics. On the floor a large red circle split into four sections.

"We are going to spare. As we travel and enter one of the quarters of the circle will dictate attack or defence and once you are able to win five matchets against me I will change make that task harder. Understand." Goldfire mandates.

Ratchet feels his servos tremble. Goldfire tilts his head to the side. "Just relax and focus. I am standing in the green quarter of the circle. That means you are attacking. If you land in the red quarter I be attacking."

Nodding Ratchet enters the circle bring his arms up and moving his peds into a fighting stance. Goldfire going into his own fighting stances. With a vent out Ratchet attacks. Goldfire defended his every block moving around with quick ease. Ratchet feels a kick swing up knocking his balance over. Landing heavily on his ack. Seeing Goldfire standing over him.

"You need to be quicker. Your dead." As a firm cold hard voice leaves him.

Ratchet nods his head. And gets up. And it be the many times he be getting up. It was not until week later that Ratchet manage to bring Goldfire down. It would be another two days that Ratchet manage to win five sparing rounds in a row. Goldfire set another task. To win a sparing match in ten minutes. It takes four days. Soon more tasks are coming in twos or fours. Then one morning Ratchet came down to find Goldfire fiddling with an old holo-protector. Apon seeing him Goldfire clip the machine back together.

"This will stimulate a battle. And this." As Goldfire pick up what looks like an amour suit "will give you an impact of actual hits with force. We start with bot your size and then progress with bigger bots.

The holo battle came fast and hard. It was not until the last attempt that Ratchet manages to survive the stimulation that Goldfire says gives Ratchet some hope.

"If you have choice between you leg or arm. Loose the arm. You can't move without your legs."

Ratchet gives a small smile "do you think I could win."

Goldfire pinch the bridge between his optic "not to win Ratchet. I taught you survive a battle. And plain reckless or bad luck can kill you."

"Okay what about Queenie. How her training going."

"Well, she will win battle easy."

Ratchet punches Goldfire in the shoulder.

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