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Windblade and Drift with practicing sword technique as Jetstorm and Slipstream hold on a wooden version of Drift sword. Windblade spark will burn hot. A sign that something she knows something however it not coming to her processor. Drift can feel the chaotic electric field from Windblade and his two students are getting better with their control of their emotions however they still give a low and slow electric field. He will have to talk to them about it. When Dashdance flutters in holding two long curve swords as they glow just as the 'decpecticon hunters' would glow. Apon seeing them she froze.

"Sorry. I did not think that anyone was in the room." As Dashdance buzz and hum with fast flicker of their wings.

Windblade puts a servo on her hip resting her sword. "You welcome to join." Giving a smile.

"Yes it is... good to learn something new" as Drift calmly respond.

The minicons bow respectfully to Dashdance as she enters the area. Dashdance nods politely back "then I practice over here than."

As they go back to practicing Windblade keeps a side optic on Dashdance. Dashdance quickly goes through her exercise after exercise and each one becoming more elaborate then the next. Her wing movement even and strike strong. And then the sword starts to crackle with energy and a phantom image start to appear over Dashdances of another transformer with what looks to have a halo as Dashdance eyes start to shine white. Apon seeing them they tip their head to the side and a voice not of Dashdancer came out.

"This is a surprise. I was not expecting to see you until latter." Says the ghost.

Jetstorm and Slipstream transform and attaches themselves onto Drift as Windblade and Drift clasp their swords.

"Who are you and what have you done to Dashdancer!" shouts Windblade.

The ghost gives an honest smile "I will introduce myself later. If you can beat us out of the challenger's circle."

Drift optics narrows as his hands tighten.

The ghost gives a smirk of a friendly nature "and what about you Drift and your students, how about I answer one question each.

Windblade roars as she charges into an attack. Her sword deflected. Dashdancer and the phantom move seamless deflecting Windblade and bringing the other blade up twirl under her and not hitting her move their weapon pointing to her t-clog will be. Drift swung only to find the phantom do the same to him. The fight began in earnest. It was like fighting the galling winds that reminds that even they are at mercy too elements. As they twirl with strikes that send power through them. Beating the strength out of them.

"What is it they say Dashdances, float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." As glee burst from them. Then by chance Drift and Windblade swing their blade. One from the left and the other from the right. Their blades block however from their combine effort they push Dashdances with the phantom back. "Well look at that I lost."

"Who are you!" demands Windblade.

The ghost smiles "I have four designations however I am known as Matrice." And tipping their head now looking at Drift "and what is it that you want to know?"

Drift carefully thinks, keeping all emotions from his face. "How are you processing Dashdances."

The ghost smile shrinks "by choosing too."

Jetstorm jumps off the shoulder and transforms. Standing as high as possible as they stare down Matrice; "what happen to Bumblebee!"

The ghost laughs as they hook the swords to their sides. "I am not sure. I have not heard that name in a really long time. However, as the story goes, they are with the well of the Allspark."

Slipstream following Jetstorm lead; transforms as the shuffle closer.

"And what is your question?" As they smile again.

Slipstream brought their servos together "can I ask my question the next time we meet?"

They pause as if they were far from the talking to someone else.

"I would claim that that was a question. However, I have been persuaded to allow you the offer of asking the question later." As the optics start to fade back into a blue as the arcs of electricity settle down and the power disappear.

Dacncedash stands tall as their optics weary watch them.

"Are you okay?" Jetstorm asks.

A deep buzz came from them. "Yes. It's the power that you never get use too... Its' awe-inspiring." Their bio lights glowing bright and electric field coming off as exultation.


Bee is attending to the front of the reception when a big burbly green and white with purple lining the edges femme, carrying a quintesson over a strong arm. A smaller quintesson hovering right behind.

"I need help. My master needs medical attention." Their voice booming down the corridor.

A senior doctor with other doctors come rushing out. Quickly they take a five whirling face quintesson as spark flying. Joltknack letting the doctors pass as he approaches with Ratchet behind him.

"Groundbreaker. What happened this time?" As a tired sigh escape his lips.

Groundbreaker clasps the little quintesson between their large servos. Keeping them from floundering. "They were trying to piece together an invention that Solos Prime had created. Only for if to blow up in their faces."

In a small voice the frantic quintesson squeals "they only wanted to know how your god's created life. We lost our ability to do so."

"Oh Queenie; they be okay. He sponsors this hospital so they can get fix. Alright." Say Groundbreaker.

The little quintesson with their four faces eyes fill with coolant. Their lips trembling. A sign that they where about to burst into a wail. Joltknack bends down and pats the top of their head.

"Its okay. We like your master. Your master is very unique fifth face compared to the judge. Do you know what that face is?" Joltknack smoothly says.

"No, I don't know?" As the little quintesson face change to doubt.

Joltknack gives a smile "instead of death, they have life."

Bee feels a nervous tingle go down his frame. Megatron fable recalling deep from his processor. That the gladiator and the queen of the gladiators have a special bond. And that the quintesson was made differently from the others. Can this be the quintesson and servant that the story referring too. After all he has never heard of a quintesson with a face representing life before. And the femme looks strong enough to fight some of the biggest Decpitons. No, even Optimus Prime. A thought that makes him uneasy.

Clam down Bee he tells himself. They might not be them. There are hundreds of quintessons with servants and they are all different. What are the chances of him coming across them. Though the many situations that Bee had been in seem to say otherwise. The chances of the relics being on sent to Earth. After being in Megatron head and feeling of dark energon that not there and being submerge in cbyber matter. Being there to help Optimus fight Megatronus. How that it is only a matter of time that he be involved. He needs to talk to Alpha Troin.

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