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Just as Bumblebee said they would be back. Starscream stands with the other three as Bumblebee explains to the Queintesson why they need a seeker as part of their team and domestic serves. Their five faces whirl and at times giving their opinion. Most with no favour for the seeker.

"I am not sure Goldfire. We are spread thin with trying keep track of favours that are own and who may try and get revenge."

Starscream chuckle inside as many names that he called Bumblebee over their interaction over the years. And now with the new designation Starscream has now has few more.

"And by having an experiences and trained military operative; we can cover more situation. Afterall it be good to have military strength from the air. That and Whitenoise can learn how to fight in the air."

The Quientesson optics light up and the face of wrath whirl into place. Itself smiling a huge grin. Their magnet eyes gleam with excitement.

"When you put like that. I do think it is a wonderful chance to learn."

However, the queintesson that has the watchful optics on Starscream and the trine, cross their arms as their long face scrunch with disgust. "You bot sympathiser! I won't give you any of these bots to you. I only agreed because you might give me something useful." As they almost spit globs of oil.

The Queen of the gladiator stiffens and her optic narrow.

"Please explain Goldfire as to why they will need to sell to me." Their voice dark as an approaching hurricane.

Bumblebee now Goldfire pulsl from their subspace a data card that can be inserted into computers or pads. A cold smile appears on their face. Starscream can feel his energy shift as an overwhelming heavy presence settle over the room. His optics narrow as he notices the imidation trick that is use in war. He also can the little shifts in discomfort appear on the quientesson.

"As you can see my Master has foresight and has gathered evidences that you have been selling information to another military supplier. By scanning military personals and stealing blueprints of weapons and selling this information to them. I wonder if your employer. Who is due to be meeting today will like to read your going on."

The coldness of Goldfire voice came quick as an avalanche. This was not Bumblebee as Starscream can recall. Bumblebee would not use underhanded tacts. They would not use their own magnetic energy as a way to imitated another bot. They where childish putdowns and pleas to be become better; to become heroes. In their own naive way that everyone just needs a second chance.

However, the queitesson stands still and with a flash a sharkicon came flying. Only to be caught around the head as they try and bite. With a ped Goldfire push the bottom jaw open and with their servos push the top jaw up. A screech as meatal tore apart as it is ripped in half by Goldfire. Once done Goldfire walks back to the quietesson and stands close and no higher than halfway, However they look to be looming over them.

"Please sir. I may be titled as a servant however I am a seasoned gladiator. And even if my Master has ask us not to kill in the arena; does not mean that we cannot kill." Saying in a pleasant tone as energon drips onto the floor. And just behind is two pieces of the sharkiton.

The quientesson shakes as they stand and with a curt nod and a fast fire response of "I do the document work." As the dash away.

Queenie smile and with a clear happy voice speaks. "Starscream I will leave you in Goldfire care. I have to attend to work."

With that Queenie floats away and there was a slight hop within her movement.

The other seekers to leave and only Starscream is with Goldfire.

"Well, you were no help. I thought you suppose to be good at talking." Come an annoyances from Goldfire.

Spluttering Starscream march up to Goldfire and pushes their finger onto chest plate. His red optics glow with anger.

"What did you expect! I just arrived yesterday, Goldenrod!"

Goldfire pitches the ridge between their optics as a low sigh leaving them. "Is that a new name that you thought of."

A sneer cross Starscream lips "I can think of more Bumbles."

There is a long pause and a shrinking in Goldfire optics. A tell-tell sign with bots that have halved their designation changed a long time ago; that recall requires a comb through deep memory banks. Its that pixels of red that appear. That makes Starscream suck in a breath. Decepticons don't have a red optics on a whim. It's a coding like a virus when a lot of personality foundation code are put into low priority and switch into survival code though each survival mode is different. Though it cannot be accounted to all optics.

"Can we go. I have a lot of work to do." Snaps Goldfire.


Goldfire takes their chance as they plunge the spear into the beast roaring mouth and up throw the head. Sparks and smoke burst out as the beast becomes limp. Goldfire magnetic field sags into a rlax state. Letting the audience exhale from the tension for the first time. The domestic bots chant out Goldfire name. However, the quientessons are silent.


When Starscream sees the medical factuality. To be a one of the finest and something that Knockout would always dreamly talk about how different his life can be if he accepted the scholarship. It is where the best medics start their career as. It gleams withs its glass and soft glow of green and blues. There is a start of creation of a crystal garden at the front. As they approach many bots would greet Goldfire with a formal nod or a friendly wave.

As they enter an insecitcon come up. They are a shape of a mantis.

"Goldfire Sir. I have the schedule of your day and the order for medical supplies and instruments have arrived. They are at the loading bay."

As the day progress. Starscream learns that the medical factuality is run by Goldfire. The CEO is really they're in name and any one with position will come to Goldfire for advice or opinion. And before the end of the day Starscream meets Ratchet as a young bot.

"So, you are the bot that is now part of Queenie team?"

Starscream politly answers "yes I am that bot."

Ratchet hums. And a large shout as two bots in the middle of the hallway start to argue. And Ratchet face plates has a giddy smile.

"What so funny?" Starscream asks.

"You will see."

And then two wrenches came flying out of thin air. Landing with a twang as they hit helms.

"What did I say about arguing in the middle of the hallway."

The two bots themselves look between being sorry an wanting to run. And in that moment Starscream knew he was seeing a paradox right in front of him. Once the reprimand is finish. Goldfire approaches.

Ratchet speaks before Goldfire can get a word in. As Ratchet emergency lights flash slowly.

"Can I finally get to map out your frame and protoform."

The antenna flicks up in surprise as Goldfire frame stands still. For a minute nothing on Goldfire moves. Then a big sigh leaves.

"Oh fine. You won't stop until you do."

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