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The luxury cruise ship ports at a holiday destination. A floating island dedicated for relaxation and getting back to driving around without roads. Boasting with is off tracks of many texture surfaces. They even provide skates for the more daring to try to move on the ice. for flying bots, a chance to fly in space and extreme flying obstetrical. Bee felt giddy of the idea and planning to put time off for a holiday. To be doing something that he heard about during The Golden Age. And yes, he had camped with Raf, Miko and Jack and it was fun. However, the idea of staying in a hotel room and doing something that is not interrupted with a rogue Decepticon or an intergalactic problem seems almost a daydream.

Watching the passengers walk off from one of the open decks with its ceiling to wall glass too watch the stars and galaxies go by. Bumblebee mind starts to wander back to the time when he was far above Earth. Melancholy sat in his spark. He would not say the Cybertron was not amazing sight from space. However, Earth was almost mythical blue crystal from space. Alive in a way that Cybertron was not.

Bumblebee can feel the presences of a large red and blue mech approaching him. Even when the mech made effort to not disturb Bumblebee musing. Only Bee was a train scout and been in war to long nit to pay attention to his commander during the war.

Bumblebee gives him a smile "Hello Optimus."

"Hello Bumblebee" Optimus returning a smile.

They stood in comfortable silences. Bumblebee only just reaching a fourth of Optimist Primes height. As the spaceship start to go through a maintenance routine of being fuelled. Crew moving energon. And the hostess giving a warm welcoming to a new bot coming aboard. A femme in complete white with a metallic grey. Standing slim with sharp edges. Standing with a frame that made Bumblebee tanks turn nervously. He can make out what can be change into wings on the new bot. They must be a beastfomer a bird of some form.

"That is Songbird, a singer and would be preforming for their queen at the grand dinner before preforming for the citizens of the third moon."

Bee optics widen "A queen, they have a queen. I thought that they have a selected leaders that make a council."

"I believe the queen ruled until the kingdom did not need them anymore. She brought in a democracy. Only when they are at war or the people are not happy and believe that the leaders are corrupt, she can step in. Is what our informant told us." Optimus impart.

Bee smiles "It sounds like something our council needs. An elected person to investigate when allegations of missus of power."

"It does and I be interested in how it works. The amount of knowledge the queen has. She rumoured to have fought against the Quintasons in the final battle. Leading to trade between them and us." Optimist spoke with great admiration and great sorrow. "It is the only knowledge that I found about her and her achievements. It is as if all knowledge about these citizens have been erased."

"I don't think you need to worry. I think with how much she did for her own kingdom she would be happy to impart her knowledge with those who want to learn."

"I hope so Bumblebee. I hope so." Optimus Prime whispers.

A Large green and grey mech with another mech with blue and white with a red helm and red highlights doted around came striding towards them.

"Look Bulkhead, It's the Tyrant slayer!" said the smaller mech; waving his hand high in the air.

"Smokescreen, I told you not to call me that." Scowl Bee.

The green mech gives a friendly punch to Bumblebee shoulder. "Hi Bee."

"Hello Bulkhead." As Bee rubs his shoulder.

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