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It was a long and deep walk. Bumblebee and Alpha Trion did not talk as they move through the winding streets. It is when they came to a destroyed building. A Building that must have been of some importance's.

"This use to be the old parliament. Were nots work together in creating change and striving for peace." Alpha Trion says with old admiration.

As they enter the building some of the decorated walls with important moves and shakers. One bot stands tall as they face a large predicon that looks similar to the predicon king. "They were the leaders before the Great Cataclysm. One being brave enough to talk about ways to live alongside the predicons."

"Did they succeed?" Bumblebee asked; his knowledge limited to what other have told him.

Alpha Trion gives a sad sigh "No. Somewhere not ready to put away grudges aside so that progress can happen."

Bee nods. He hated all the anger he had to put aside. Though he did hold some grudges still, however being smart enough not to let it interfere with most things. After all grudges don't help if you are trying to survive battles. He still holds a grudge against Megatron. It frustrated him that Megatron who convinces the bots to follow his course and then disbands them creating a what Bee had seen a wave of violences that humans call a vacuum of power. And that rippled across Cybertron. Not even Starscream a bot that questions every motive did not even pick up his anger against Megatron.

They enter the room and as Bee optics adjust to the low light, he sees a cybertron with fine clockwork moving within the gaps of his amour. He was white, red, a light blue and gold. They are so finely detailed that Bee could guess that he is very old however they look that they were spark that day.

"This is Vector Prime."

Vector Prime extends his palm out. An old traditional greeting that is still used at meetings. Bee place shis palm out and touching his palm receive bits of information of the confusing struggle of keeping present. However, a little twitch of his optics can be seen as small frown crease between his optics.

A dark blue and red cybertron sat as signs of battle madness twitch along his frame. A known side effect from constant life and death situations that develops a desire for battle. He gives a quick look over. Then turning his head to the side to demise Bees presence.

Alph Trion gently place his hand on his shoulder giving it a tight squeeze. "Goldfire this is Nexus Prime."

Carefully keeping his face neutral. Afterall, one does not anger the person with such views. Views that many will call egotistical about there position. And worse is that they do have a lot of power.

"This is Alchemist Prime." Says Alph Trion.

And there infornt of them is a bot that looks like the bartender at one of the popular bars that many of the low cast and labour bots will rave about. Bee had only met the once when he had to pick up a message once for Jazz.

In a silverly white stands Prima holding his Star Sabre. The same sword that Bee will use to kill Megatron in the future.

"I am Prima" As he approaches Bee. "And you are very small to be a warrior."

And then Onyx Prime comes and stand beside him. His wings damage and many of his movement seems limited to the damage he received. Even one of his hooved pedes seem to limp. Though that did not stop him shoving Prima to the side. As he peers at Bee intently. Humming a note.

"We can trust you right now." As Onyx Prime comments.

Bee spark spins fast and expands to the limits of his spark chamber. He can hear peds steps behind him. Recognising Micronus who taught Optimus how to fight the fallen or Megatronus.

"Then I trust them as well." Miconus says.

Its then that all the Prime shift as Megatronus enters the room. His face etches with deep sadness. His servos look empty of purpose.

"What are you doing here! You are not welcome." As Prima shouts, bring his sword up.

"I did not come to fight Prima. Alpha Trion asks me to come for there may be a chance to bring down the quientessons. I accept that you bear a grudge against myself. However, don't let it cloud your judgement to free our people."

"You murdered Solus!"

Megatronus face twist with hate "And I will carry that burden for the rest of my existences."

Bee seeing that a fight will start and the years of irritation from Sideswipe and Strongarm constant fighting and all he can hear is the repeat and for a moment he forgot that he was around Primes. In the conore of his eye he sees Prima about to swing.

Bee shouts "stop!" stepping in the line of attack. An more calmy speaks as his optics bore a dark blue. "I know that you are grieving and the pain stings deep. However, responsibility does not go away. And ignoring responsibility will make your grieving worse. I have seen enough to know."

"He is right Prima." As Alpha Trion stands beside him.

"Our people are chained and has murdered Quintus who like us have many faults." As Vector Prime voices.

Then turning back too Bee he speaks. "The Quientesson have been experimenting on the All Spark. Now our only way to create new life and we fear that they may have done something. However, we cannot get close though we live among the citizens constantly being watch. As you can see, they have figured ways to punish us." As he indicates to Oxyn Prime.

"You want me to investigate what they having been doing."

"And it has come to our attention that you have a master soon. And that master has access to the All Spark." Alpha Trion puts in. "Before we were planning to have you sneak in as a cleaner bot. Only with Primus luck your chance of getting in is higher."

"And would you be able to send me back to my time after I do this?"

Nexus scoff "Of course we can. Vector has a power to wield space and time. And their bots gifted to move from the one day at a time."

"Give me some time and I approach Alpha Trion when I got something." Bee says as an old role cloaks over him as Spec Ops training start to run probabilities and plans to achieve this task. "I have to go." Turning Bee starts to lightly jog his way back to the medical facility.

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