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It was a blur after Ratchet has attaches the medical cord into them. It was as if all the process thoughts slow and a high level of feeling calm. It made everything as the human say rose tinted glasses. His last Then the wake up has Goldfire wondering what has happen. So, sitting at the table as a bowl of shaved metal and energon. Starscream is sitting across from from them and they would not look at their optics. Queenie was smiling with such a wide grin. And Whitenoise had not come to the kitchen last night.

Goldfire optics narrow at her. She is humming and is chipper more than usual. And it was not a day off.

"What has got you in a good mood?"

Queenie grins a big tight lip smile. "I convince Whitenoise to go hot pink and black."

Starscream servo slams over his mouth however it does not stop the small splatter of energon and shave metal over the table. Some landing on Queenie and Goldfire.

"Ewww." Queenie shrieks as they vigorously wipe over the face plate. Made hard as their face rotate.

With speed they know and the optics bless by Prime, Goldfire grabs Queenie face. A sharp pain of the impact travel up the arm. As heat burn at their fingertips. Queenie briefly looks at them and advert their eyes as a blush feels their cheeks. Grabbing a napkin set at breakfast by the domestic staff bots. Goldfire wipe their cheek.

"I am not a sparkling." Queenie whines.

His faceplates must have shown doubt; as Queenie then gives a big huff. Crossing their tentacles.

"Seriously I am not. I'll even prove it too you."

Whitenoise walks in bright pink and black framing the pick. Starscream can only raise their eyebrows. And Goldfire knows that the colour scheme is trending among the younger domestic bots.

"Well Checkers said that your new amour is ready. And that they change the design so there are twice as many plates for you to remove without getting too vulnerable." Then her smile become wicked. "Also, that he had inspiration."

A shiver goes down Goldfire struts.

"And as your Master I order you to go there first before you start your work."

A tried sigh leaves them as Queenie giggles that turn into full on laughter.


There was no way of getting around it. Goldfire had to take Starscream with them to put amour back in place for all the amour that they had lose. Checkers now has a whole team on all the amour that had to redesign and replace. And Goldfire and Whitenoise being the biggest customer. Checkers personal design all of Goldfire amour. As expected, when they enter, they are ushered to the back room where a tri-colour amour. The amour Arms and torso are purple and the legs yellow. However, the helm is black. It is sleek like a two wheelier. The door wings flan out and given more movement and a pattern of cybertron crystal that give energy to create a force shield.

"Good to see you. I hired an expert in crystals to create that force shield. As you can see this favours movement then taking force."

Checkers walking in with a smile. Nodding at Checkers reponse; Goldfire gives it a walk around the amour. Coming in close where seams connect.

Starscream stands quietly as he looks at the battle mask. He did not ponder to much about the symbol before. Until now. Takeing cautious steps to Checkers and bending over close enough to heard. He asks a question.

"The symbol of the Deceptions. Where did it come from."

Checkers giggles. "Its Goldfire battle mask. An excited apprentice was fascinated with Goldfire marks. They never seen something so complex."

Starscream vent hitch.

"But then again no one really sure about Goldfire origins. However, I won't bring the mask up."

Starscream nods.

Goldfire glance at Starscream. Starscream looks different. Starscream may never be very predictable. However, many that have been exposed to Starscream understands that his ambitions are easy to understand. So, if you are alive, it means that there are two reasons as to why. However, after last night something has happened has changed Starscream in a one hundred and eighty degrees. Too night he will be able to talk to Starscream with out too much interferences. A good place to talk is not in a quiet place. It is loud and noisy. And most important is location.

The day continues as normal and Goldfire has already dump the tablets on queinteson laws. As the lights dim to indicate night. Now with the night off; Queenie leads the way to the underground night club.

The night club has music beating away as bots of all sorts are enjoying themselves. Queenie dragging Whitenoise to the bar. Not wasting time Goldfire grabs Starscream arm and pulls them onto floor.

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