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Goldfire spent any extra time looking for clues and investigating for the bot that taken the key to Vector Sigma. The time already limit with from helping in the medical factuality role and an increase of more tasks with ordering and handling shifts and attending meetings with the head doctor and managers; starting in the early morning to the afternoon. Then Goldfire starts to introduce Ratchet to different weapon techniques and for the first time found something that Ratchet is very bad at. And then in the evening will train with Queenie. She however is a natural.

It was one night that Goldfire trying to teach a grappling technique that he found himself looking up at Queenie. And she is hovering as low as she can.

"When did you get so tall?"

Queenie giggles and playfully says "I nearly an adult Goldfire. I wonder when you would notice?"

Goldfire sighs "You just made me feel very old Queenie."

Queenie smile grows larger. Showing off her pointy teeth; "How old are you?"

"I, 30,000 thousand years old. I think?"

Queenie laughs "how can you forget how old you are?"

Goldfire optic rapidly blinks an unusual sign of embarrassment. They stop and with a huff and a crossing of arms Goldfire straighten their back. "Once your old as me you forget how old you are."

Queenie giggles. "Why have you not looked at your chromometer and look at how long you been functioning?"

Goldfire optics shutter again and looks away.

"So how old are you?"

Goldfire mumbles.

"I can't hear you"

Goldfire huffs "I am around 60,500 years old.

Queenie hovering drops almost tipping onto her side.

"You can't be that old!"

"I know, I look half that. I just happen to be submerged in what can be describe a resurrection kind of fluid."

Queenie mouth drops open "How did that happen?"

"I don't know. My memory is kind of fuzzy." And it was true. When at a time when they were Bumblebee he fell into the Omega Lock.

"That's okay I know what day to celebrate your functioning day."

Goldfire raise a brow. And what would that be.

"Easy, the day I met you"

Goldfire no matter how much they did not want to smile could not stop it appearing on their face.


Vector Prime floats among the moving stars and shapes. Right in front of them is a huge shifting ball of colour. He can just make out an image of a titian. One of the smallest titian he may see. However, it made up with curves and smooth edges. Looking more like the queens or royals that other species have to govern order. And pair of large wings that cuts through space. It wields a spear with precise movement and so quick it can destroy a city without trying. And what else is that he cannot see past the ball. This is a defined part of time. Something that Primus has made and clearly desires to happen.

Vector Prime floats backwards a bit more as many light colourful balls are expanding or shrinking. However, one in the cluster is his own brethren get closer to the event. An event that will rattle them to the core. An event that has plays out very similar to this. He wishes it was resolved differently. As the Matrixes is stolen from them and then used against the Primes.


Ratchet came into a kitchen of the medical facility to a sight of Whitenoise tipping a bowl over their head with fluffy goop going all over them. Goldfire staring at a burnt energon cake. The kitchen is an absolute mess.

"Whitenoise, what are you doing?"

Whitenoise look over at Ratchet as a bit of goop plop onto the floor.

"We are making a cake for Queenie. It is her creation day."

Ratchet nods his head. It was quick and suttel wave of the electric field goes past them. however, Goldfire distress flutter as a bad smell.

"Why don't you get washed and come back and help clean the kitchen." Says Ratchet.

Ratchet has never seen Goldfire so frozen in the spot. Their wings hanging low. Careful Ratchet lets the electric field of comfort travel and fill the room. As he walks closer towards Goldfire.

"So, what happen?"

Goldfire rubs between their optics. A strange action however one day be used by Ratchet himself. Goldfire wings twitch that remind Ratchet with those that get pitchy lips.

"I don't know" Says Goldfire. "I followed the recipe and did everything right however I always burn it or it taste off."

"If you don't mind. Can I give it a taste?"

"Go ahead."

Taking a piece from the cake. Ratchet takes a bight. Letting it sit on his tongue. It crumbles quickly on his glossa and tasting of bunt sugary taste. It wasn't bad however Ratchet being not a very picky eater found it difficult to eat.

"It is, palatable."

"No, it is not. I can not cook. I tried many times and I always fail to make it work."

It is then Queenie comes floating in. Followed by Whitenoise.

"I hear that you were trying to make a cake for me, Goldie." As Queenie optics scan across over the kitchen and taking note of all the mess. Their face landing on wisdom.

"I see you put all of your happiness into the cake for me." As they float closer.

Goldfire did not look their way choosing to look at the ground.

"So much happiness that the cake could not contain it." As Queenie now sits beside them.

Ratchet smiles. Queenie was always Goldfire little manager. Though they now sort of float higher and is bigger than Goldfire right now.

And Goldfire mumble that only Queenie and him heard.

"When did you get so smart."

Queenie smiles wrapping an arm around them.

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