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Everyone is quiet as they are strap in. Starscream kept his optics to the ground. Optimus wants to ask questions. Integrate Starscream until every detail is not spared. Bumblebee gone. It not meant to go like this. He can see Acree seething with anger. She will blame herself as she always will. Even when it was not possible for her. And Megatron seems shocked as Starscream did not plead or grovel. It looks as Starscream is confident that he will win the fight. And Megatron may just relies. As his optics narrow at Starscream. What could have happened to them when they disappear through the portal. What did Starscream mean that he did not think that he never thought he would return to here? Most of all where is Bumblebee. Maybe

"We are entering atmosphere." The captain states.

There is a shake and a change of angle as the straps grab into them. Stopping them from sliding. Then it shakes and an alams blares. Sagaciours shouts "Engine four is failing. There must have been a hidden leak in the line as fuel pressure is dropping."

A huge bang rattles the ship. Another alarm goes off. As "fire" would repeat every thirty seconds.

Then the captain shouts at their first mate. "Get a link going. We be off target and sooner we have rescue team the better we be off."

"Yes sir." Then the first mate starts to pray. A pray similar to the chants that those would pray for Primus. Then his optics open into a bright white. A ghostly figure overlaps them. The ghost looks at the pad in the first mate hands. They sat listening to the captain.


Primus sat quietly as he carefully structures another part of the new housing of the matrix. Carefully creating the helm of the feme. Then grabbing hold of all the poisoned wounds that his brother Unicron has left on him he infuses into his creation. Making it part of her. A curse and a gift. When he created his Primes and brought forward life. He hopes for them to flourish. However, they did not. However just from chance his brother power; though had a power of destruction, they flex and bend into creation and making them evolve. However though done with malice and cruelty he did create. Calling them Heralds. Had given them something. Now this feme needs a spark. His optics look around at all the sparks within his domain of the well. There he sees the spark floating far back from the others. A spark that can power a whole city. Ones destiny to become a Titian.

Its nearly time now. Or has it already been. He cannot remember. That's the problem with splitting up your essence and sharing your life with billions of bots. It made keeping things straight hard.


Starscream flies as his processor works hard. He sees a group of seekers sleek as they fly high. Seeing this Starscream reverts to his oldest flight mode. One that he was created with. Becoming sleek as them. The one that was flying in the lead breaks formation and starts to fly besides them.

"What are you doing flying with no trine? Get in line, we are expected to be at the military gala."

Quietly Starscream merge into the flying formation. Taking a spot at the back.

Another seeker flies closer. One that is blue and pink. "I see that you are a fan of the Deceptions. I am a fan too."

"Aw yes."

"We are going to seeing the Decpticons at the gala. Is that so cool.The council is going to introduce there gladiator team. The Autobots. I am looking forward to seeing the Decpticons. I am going to ask one to dance with me."

"Vox. Move aside and give them air space." Said the leader.

Vox huffs some hot air and made her way back into formation.

As they fly. Starscream can see the building that he uses to work in. He can see other building that he recognises from having to visit. Places that he ate at and join old friends. Places that should be rubble.

They came to a splendid glass dome building. With large face of a quintesson as a pillar. Descending down as a group. As they got closer Starscream can see quintessons minions moving about at there masters bidding. A council member that looks like a plan puppet stands waiting for them.

"So, this is the best that the military has offered us." As their optics stares each of them in turn. They then tut. "Follow me. I want you to report any suspicious behaviour to me. You are free to interact with the gladiators. And there are bonuses if you manage to find and weakness that they have." They procced to giggle a purse.

They enter a large dancing hall. As a flute of high grade filled in them are stack in pyramids and a large chandelier from the ceiling. Sending sparking rainbow of light onto the floor and walls. Food over flow on tables from sweet to savory and spicy. Bots playing live on a small stage with a singer. There is already a small gathering.

"Now freshen up and be here in an hour time."


Bumblebee life changes again. From living in the hospital to now living with Queenie and Whitenoise in a manor that Bee had a whole unit to himself. Even his apartment on Cybertron was not that lavish. It was outside the city limits and only an hour walks to the hospital. Whitenoise had her own area. However, by the afternoon having completed her training she be sitting on a chair in the reception of the hospital. For a while she will it queer looks. Then one day Whitenoise spoke to Bee. Bee can remember it well.

"Question. How does one make friends?"

Bee nearly jumps out of his frame. Placing his servo over his spark. Turning around to look at Whitenoise. That was a very big question.

"That depends on who you ae trying to be friends with."

Whitenoise hums. "I want to be friends with Groundbreaker, only every time I approach her. Something will happen."

Bee nods his helm. "Have you thought of eating lunch with her. And asking her about how to do something."

"That won't work I know how to fight."

Bee huffs. "Well how about asking how her morning has been."

Whitenoise tips their head to the side. "I already know. I send every morning training with them."

This was going to be harder than he thought. "Okay let's start off something simple. Why don't you try to get to know your master."

They tip their helm to the other side. "Ask how my master morning has been."

"Yes." And the two horns on Bees head pop up as they pick up Queenie movements. "Why don't you ask her now."

Queenie came in seeing both of her servants looking at her. "What?" She asks.

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