Ch. 27

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Goldfire optics cannot believe they are seeing. There is Starscream standing with his annoying grin with the fanciest drink in his hand. A mix of relief and anger builds in Goldfire chest. He is not the only one stuck here. Someone that know what the future will be like. And then anger came in. Where is Starscream all this time. And what is he up too. With a pleasant smile put on his faceplates. Interrupting Starscream from saying whatever he was about to say next. Queenie introducing them to Starscream. Watching Goldfire can see the micro pause and the little less smile on Starscream to know that he recognises them. Though Starscream is protestant. However, he wishes that Queenie did not drag him into this. Now here he is back again on the floor to dance with Starscream.

"So, when did you arrive Starscream?"

Starscream optics narrow. "Today."

Goldfire optics expand wide as his mouth drops in surprise.

"What about you?"

The music starts up. "Later" Goldfire says.


Days past and Queenie being challenged constantly by other quientessons has Whitesnoise in the arena. Between them they were losing amour quicker than what they can replace them. It was a week when Whitenoise receive a terrible blow. However, it turns to be a strategy to allow them to get into close quarters. Now healing Queenie has been challenge again by a queintesson whose hobbie is making gruesome beasts. While they know her gladiator is out. Whitenoise tried to rebel against Ratchet however failed when her wound reopens. Ratchet threaten to throw the wrench at her helm if she decides to get off bed rest.

With no choice they had to look for another galiator. However, word must have gone out and no place was willing to sell to them. Queenie must have made many enemies that merchants were not willing to do business. Goldfire is too recognisable with attending many battles and striping amour off from his frame.

"Goldie what am I going to do. If Whitenoise does not fight, they automatically win and can take what ever they want from us, And if Whitenoise does fight she could end up dead because of her wound."

Goldfire knew the answer and no-one wanted to say out loud. Afterall his position is to be a servant to Queenie. And servant do not fight. They can not make a profit or gain fame for their masters. They are to do their master bidding.

Goldfire takes Queenie tentacle and gives it a gentle squeeze. A sad smile appears on her face and Goldfire smile mirrors hers. "I too know that I am the only one that can fight in the arena."

"If you do though, you may die."

Goldfire chuckles "is it because I am small?"

"No!" Queenie face scowls.

Giving her tenacle another squeeze. "Then why are you so worried. I taught you remember."

"I know that" as Queenie face turn to wrath. "Its just I don't think you should except every dangerous situation without thinking. We all care about you."

A tired sigh leaves Goldfire lips. "I promise to try and live Queenie. However, you need to send me into battle."

Queenie grits her teeth and her optics shine bright. "You are!" and with a twirl she left Goldfire alone.

Goldfire frowns. As an emotion from long ago creeps up. It feels like something is choking him and coolant pushes as the rims of his optics. And with one big breath push the emotion down. Something best not to think about. Though Prime earnest request that get should talk about his emotions draw a shaky laugh. At this rate of protection from Queenie he be seeing Prime as an old mech.

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