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It hurts as Bumblebee finds himself slamming into the ground. Chunks of metal fly up and screeching bursting into his audios. Amour denting, and small cracks appearing. He continues roll. One shoulder pops as his arm fail and sinking pain stabs into his side. Only to a stop at bottom of what can called a hill. Pain blurring messages that pop up into his hud. As warning of erengon lost and disconnections of important wires. His vision jumps as dark pixels ate away at his sight. Processor trying to work with little information it has. Shouting can be heard as figures start to run towards him. His body going into status lock in a last chase of survival.


Starscream tumbles as the silver ground instantly change to sky. Flipping as his processor starts to rapidly tell how far they from the ground. How fast they are traveling and finally his gyro-scope spins into standstill. As instinct turning him into a position to glide over what looks like Cybertron. Cybertron with roaming quintesson and their thralls. Building that use to stand like a beacon before the war. Stands tall again. Large signs of gladiator battle. A battel of championship for status and power. Symbols of gladiators and their names rotating with their status. Among them the of a Decpticon.


Optimus Prime watch as drones start to make a temporary repair. Making a net on the hole. Some drones attaching a cord too them. Bring them back through the door and into the corridor. Bumblebee his most loyal scout vanishes before he could get to him. Anger swell for his failed. He promises a safe future for Bumblebee. Protect them from danger as he should have been doing during the war. He failed Bumblebee many times. Bee had fought for so long that he could not see himself as anything but an enforcer. He did not learn beyond adding flavouring to energon. Or being able to fill in reports or to grow in skills and experiences that many had a chance in the Golden era.

The captain came running. "Is everyone all right!" His optics darting over every bot.

Optimus vent in deep. "We lost two. Lieutenant Bumblebee and Starscream."

The captain eyes widen. Their servos flex and their body shift. "Did you see where they go."

Optimus servo shakes. Voyage steps forward her voice sad "they went through the portal."

The captain stares at Voyager and the nods. He turns to Sagacious his voice firm "prepare for an emergency landing on Incipient. I will inform the council."

"Are you not going to do something!" shouts Arcee.

The captain looks at her "do what? Change history?"

Voyager places her servo on Acree. Her voice calm "You have to believe in Bee. Trust in all the things you taught them and that wherever they are. They are going to thrive."

"And what about Starscream" Knockout snaps.

Voyage eyes crinkle "has it ever stop Starscream."

Knockout looks at her and with a crocket grin "no. He is the most stubborn bot I ever met."

Knockout and Megatron chuckling as many of Starscream weird escapes and elaborate plans in everything that he did.

Optimus Prime can feel the Matrix respond after a very long time. Something about the scenario did not feel real. As if the whole thing was acted. Before he can question more, the captain has left. His optics drifted over the faces of those showing shock or stress. Strongarm looking lost. She would now be acting in Bumblebee place. He places a servo on her shoulder.


Bee feels how heavy his amour is as the pull down on his protoform. It's the coldness that he feels first and then the sounds of a spark monitor. Whispers are pulling him out from his recharge. Optics flicker on as they start to bring vision. There are two bots talking to each other. One a green and white the other orange and white. He did not know who was the green and white bot however he would be okay.

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