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One of these rare occasions that Bee is able to go out and with a group of medics and explore the city. The medics taking Bee to see an underground market. It was an experiences in learning the age before the golden age as Bee becoming more aware of the gap between functions and rules that many prohibit activities or movement were restricted. Many rules set by the council in the protection against the rebels and keep power away from the majority. Tatics too emphases propaganda of harmony life. And through classifying of random creation in spark pools away from civilisation that will contaminate the pure propose of their collective. Therefore the lower caste avoid being caught by Allicons and sharkicons tunnels and hidden routs where created.

The tunnels made of warp metal as if something hot and then cooled them into shape. Shapes that remind Bee of home.

"How did these tunnels come to be here?" question Bee to another medic.

They all shrug. The closes medic sanswers "Not sure; only that new ones appear every week."

Bee let his processer work as facts and fiction of tunnels build up theories. Many tunnels have a propose to be created and Bee did not want to fully look at it as parts become too familiar in his scouting in the war. It is when they come to a clearing to a chamber that stretch high that only dots of lights can be seen so far up. Stalls with carpets and sweet energon. Polish and paints and accessors. They wonder around. Bee mostly looking and trying to stick close to the group. For a while Bee allow time to forget when and where he was and allows a big smile when he comes across nitrogen booster. It is when sees Alpha Trion talking to a staller, that a chance to talk to him unobserved by the others.

"Hey guys I am going to explore. I meet you back at the medical facticity."

The others open their mouths to protest only to be cut off with Bumblebee using his sparkling traits to convince them. "Any way I know my way back. After all, if I can walk around the facticity without getting lost, then surly I can get back."

They all start to speak at once. The constant questioning is rebuff with Bee own argument. After they all give Bee their frequency and an expectation that he has to be back within three hours. The group watch Bee leaves and disappear into the crowd, if he is apparition. Their frame shakes.

"It's eerie that he can just vanish without a sound." Says one medic.

Another medic huffs "you think that eerie, don't look at his seams too intently."

"Do you think that he could be..." Medic stopping before he can finish his sentence.

Another barks "of course not. Only the council can make another bot. And Goldfire has shown no signs of being uncultivated. And he transforms into car. Not a beast."

Bee spark spun fast as his eyes sweep trying to find the bot. Seeing them half way through the path; Bee starts to follow Alpha Trion through the thick crowd, putting his skills to the test. Each step silent as Bee moves between patrons as the bargain with objects or currency. Raw crystal energon being the favourite value.

"Primary State!" Shouting as gap between them close. Only Alpha Trion has made his way out of the crowd.

Alpha Trion briefly disappears down an empty street. Taking a big burst Bee sprint down after Alpha Trion.

Shouting again only to have no response. This time Bee shouts.

"Alpha Trion!"

Alpha Trion turns around as an axe appear in his grasp. His stance ready for a fight and an overwhelming power rolling off them. The dormient war protocols that could not be remove charge up as his seams prepare to transform in an instant. War protocols that blast through his law enforcement abilities.

"Goldfire? How?" As Alpha Trion optics narrow.

Bee standing as close as he dares as Alpha Trion still clasp the hatchet ready to strike. As heat travel around an subspaces and seams prepare to transform in instant use.

"It's a long story sir. I can explain," keeping his optics lock on Alpha Trion, "is there somewhere quite that we can talk."

They stand for a time. Bee can feel his spark hammer as memories of Alpha Trions' abilities recounted from stories and fables. Only a few can take down a Prime. And Bee did not fall in the category to take down a Prime. In fact, Bee manages to kill Megatron in way that Drift would call dis-honourable. Finally Alpha Trion nods his head.

It was not a far walk to where Alpha Trion takes him. It is a broken wall that goes into a room covered by a curtain. It is a quiet place that is empty that only contains boxes and a berth. Bee stands close to the door ready to flee if he was not believed. Alpha Trion opting to sit on one of the boxes. Placing the hatchet down on the floor.

"Tell me; How do you know my designation?"

Taking a vent in Bee speaks "I am not from this time. I am from the future. That's why I know you."

Alpha Trion did not move. So, Bee continues to talk. "I with others where heading to make a trade deal with tribe of cybertrons when a portal appears. At the time the ship receive damage from a meteor shower."

Alpha Trion frowns "that does not tell me much or prove that you travel in time."

Bee racks his mind trying to find something to prove he is from the future. He can not be sure that Optimus Prime has emerge from the spark. And any information he gives can be disproven or argue against.

"I can not give you anything. For what already has happened is fact and what has yet to happen could be changed with this conversation. You are just having to believe me." Bee answer.

Alpha Trion frowns "can you not tell me anything at all. Something not related to me. However, can be verify later."

Bee could not help falter as many things that came to be however, he never saw only read. However, there was one thing he knew he could talk about. Bee talks about a planet that he lives as an ambassador for and how they were so primitive in their building and technology however they can map out the stars and theories the future and solve problems that they as a species can never understand. And how they dream about traveling through time and space. Organics that knew more because they can imagine something bigger. A plant that has yet to come to a stop. A plant that will become a little sister and a twin to Cybertron.

Alpha Trion sits and listen asking questions and Bee never fails to answer. Then there is a silence that settles over them.

"I have a proposition for you." As Alpha Trion strokes his beard that will continue to grow. And will reach to his waist by the time of Bumblebee creation. "I will and others may be able to help you and in return I ask of a favour."

"What type of favour?"

"The quintesson altered the well of the All Spark. We want to reverse what they did. However, to do that, we need to gain access to the All Spark to know what they did."

It is not hard to work out what Alpha Trion is implying. A stagiaries, a planner.


The space ship is approaching orbit of the moon as the rings stretch for many miles as light reflect against its icy surface. The captain has asks for every bot to make their way to the centre of the ship and prepare to strap themselves into the harness.

Fix-it stands where he would be harness into about three hours' time. The crew have started to harness the larger bots as the strap them to the floor and ceiling. Its when one of the crew approaches him with their tools that a bright flash of green appears. Close to the centre is a ground bridge. No one move as a they wait. It's the sounds from the other side that alerts them. Sounds of weapons firing and clashing of amour. Shouts muffle though those in war can hear the distinct sound of fall back. It then burst bright as a bot comes through. The wings on the back are alter that it can spread out if they are wings of bat however a frame of a jet that has ridges down their back. As the slowly stand up. Grimacing as a broken sword is piece in the leg. Their paint of blue, red and white.

"Starscream." Was all Knockout can say.

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