Part 2: Ch 1

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Starscream stumble as his processor catches up to what Goldfire is doing. It was not hard to figure out that Goldfire started a simple dance that allows him to stand right up close.

"You have been very quiet Starscream, and you are never quiet. So, what is it that got you so distant?"

The hot vent from Goldfire has Starscream spark expanding rapidly that he feels it leaking out of his chamber. He had master control over his spark and now it was giving himself away.

"I am just amazed at how old the quientesson laws are? They are not into physical confrontation, and it seem they stop focusing on their laws at some point."

Goldfire chuckles; "It reminds me of human myths and legends. As the first beings where created they were happy and shared everything they learnt, grown and cared. Then they had children and the children were spiteful and cruel as they cheat, stole and destroyed everything around them. The queitesson race reminds me of that myth."

"That's quite a story." Starscream humms.

Goldfire shoulders shrug, "However that's not what got you quiet. You been quiet at breakfast; so something happen between when I was under a stress stopper and leading you back to the base."

Starscream feels coolant flush his system. "Your battle mask. When you found out that your battle mask is the symbol of the Decepticons."

Starscream can feel the tension of power tighten into a spring ready to release the force as Goldfire body tighten. Their optics move away as they scan the crowd as only relaxing once when they see Queenie waving her tenacles as they talk to another bot that looks terrified and amused at the same time.

"At the beginning of the gladiator season. So about three months ago. Were now entering the finals."

"And you're the Queen of the gladiators chosen. You're the gladiator that is..." As the consequences that were going to happen in the future starts to weigh.

Goldfire optics narrow and a servo starts to put a crushing force onto the top of their arm. However, there is a small tremble in Goldfire.

"That's a fable. We don't know how true that is." As a voice full of hot metal.

Starscream optic frown. It is a well-worn path that he seen many leaders march on. No matter how much of a choice that other bots make. It's the leader words or action that have spurred those bots action. Something that Starscream had accepted in his position. Something he felt from Megatron and again how true the saying that everyone has a choice.

Far in the dark conners of the establishment a femme with black and navy-blue paint with their moth like wings draping down and standing beside them a large wreaker in cryn. Both of their optics watch as the mini Goldfire dance with a seeker. They have been looking for this minibot. The feme and the wreaker have watched many gladiators and fighters as the repair the arena or serve and preform entertainment for the predigest quientesson and bots. And they seen so many trained fighters and the minibot does not fight in anyway the same as the rest. The rest had fight to perform. The minibot fights to survive. And now many whispers among the domestic bots that the minibot trained the Gladiator medic Ratchet and that rumour was possible as they learnt that the minibot and the medic work at the same facility. However, what's more there is rumours that they trained their master to be able to fight. Though no-one has witness it. However, on the streets bots have drawn the Deception symbol in support. It was drawing bots together and for the first time there was a chance that they can move on as a united front. They just need the minibot to become part of their resistances and help the rebel against the quientessons.


When they left Goldfire send the three ahead of him. Saying that he had business with some bots. As Goldfire listen as he hears them walk away he let his antenna rise a bit picking up setive in his audio of the slight whirr of fans trying to cool down. The two bots that have been follow were good by keeping out sight and audio range. They must of trailed before with the way they used reflections. However, they did not have the advantages of experiences that Goldfire has. And Goldfire can see the lack of experinces with the way that they stop when they stop and splitting into two so that they swap tracking. So, drawing the two bots to walk down one of the blocks. And each block Goldfire pull further away until he set the trap. Activating his war protocols Goldfire waited. As he sees the wreaker and the femme move past. Goldfire acted taking them by surprise. Firing a charge, he brings the wreaker to the ground as they convulse however still online and then bring the bio-weapon at the femme.

Her palms showing as their orange optics rotate. The optics brighten and the amour clap down.

"We just want to talk to you." Says the femme.

Goldfire did no waver their aim. They stand quite as their blue optics contain red centres. The wreaker starts to cough weakly as a bit of smoke leave them.

"We are a rebellion. And we need help." As the wreaker splutter.

Goldfire drops their aim however the weapon is still active from the glow. "Speak quickly as I lead you back."

The femme helps her companion up as they follow Goldfire. They walk just out of striking distances.

"We are a rebellion and we want to fight back against the quiestesson. And for the first time we have a chance of getting bots to unite. There about seven rebellions. However, since you started to fight in the arena, you created a phoneme. We have hope. We know how a gladiator fights and you don't fight like a gladiator. And other bots have started to inspire to become like you. They wear the Decepticon symbol. If you join then we may be able to do something."

Goldfire walks in silences as them make the final turn. "I leave you here. And when you come back with a better reason for I to join then maybe I will think about."

And with that Goldfire transform and speeds off into the darkness.

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