chapter 2: Mela

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I had come in to class just a while ago the professor I met is professor Angela Clarence. She's the physics lecturer, she's so annoying and ask too many questions which is pissing me off at that moment because I'm so tired, i couldn't sleep last night because of my constant nightmares.

"But she isn't so bad you know." My inner voice said.

"Oh yeah, that's because it ain't you who's getting to suffer, so just shut up." I replied feeling so annoyed.


Immediately the class got over, I picked my stuffs to head out of the class when I got stopped by Ms. Clarence. I have to listen to her bickering yet again.

"Oh no." My inner voice said dramatically.

"Oh yes."

"I heard your mom gave birth again right, Ms. Fernandez?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." I answered.

"Okay help me convey my regards to your mom because I won't be able to make it to your place." she said.

"Okay ma'am, I definitely will." I said with a grin  but I groaned on the inside.

"Good." She said whilst smiling and then she left.

I'm so glad she's gone I don't have to deal with any more humans because I don't have any more strength to deal with anyone.

Sighing, I turned my back to pick my stuffs off the desk only for me to notice I wasn't the only one present in the class there's someone else sitting down and staring at me like a predator ready to feast on his prey.

His gaze at me feels so different, I felt a cold sensation running down my spine, I looked into his eyes and saw that same green emerald eyes, same one i saw the other day mom gave was in labor.

"Something just feels off about this guy."

"Yeah I know, it's just different." I replied to the voice.

His green emerald eyes seems to be piercing into me, and everything feels weird about this guy but I just shrugged it off and decided to leave, I made my way to the door. And while walking I could still feel that his eyes piercing into my back, but I couldn't turn my back to confirm my suspicion.

When I left the class, I got to the school corridor and then my phone started to ring only for me to check and see it's Ira calling me. I guess she's been waiting for my call, I had told her I was going to call her but I didn't.
I was so caught up in my stupid web of problems that I forgot to call her, oh fuck.

"Hey." I said, picking up the call.

"You're a goner, she's going to get mad now." My inner voice said.

"Hi Mel whatchu'up with you? You seemed kinda off these days, hope everything is fine?" Mira asked me, sounding worried.

"Yeah Ira everything is fine it just that I have been stressed out lately by school works, so I guess that's why everything's different. Uhhh...I'm sorry ira I told you I was going to call but i didn't, it totally skipped my fucking mind, so that's why I forgot to call, sorry." I said.

"It's okay, I got you babe." Mira said, supportively.

"She sounds different today, she did the unexpected, she's so unpredictable sometimes."

"Oh yeah." I answered back.

"Well, this best friend of ours is so sweet, she never judge us like the rest do, calling us all sort of names." The voice spoke sounding genuine.

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