Chapter 27: Caryl

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"If you want to see you beloved girlfriend then you should come meet me right where you escaped. And don't you think you could outsmart me because if you do you would come meet your your girlfriend's corpse waiting for you."


Immediately I threw my phone on the bed, I opened the closet as I began to search for what to wear. As I searched for the clothes, I lamented my predicament.

Just how the hell did I get so involved with this man, just how. Now Randa is been held captive by him, now I have to go back into the hell I had escaped from, I quickly picked my hand pistol that I kept under Rad's bed and i rushed over to her dressing mirror and I took the pocket knife I had hidden under her dressing mirror drawer, after taking it I removed the handle of the knife, making it to remain just the blade.

Hells I have to be quick before this man does something horrible to Randa, the only person I got in this world who truly loves me. I rushed out of the house, took some money off my wallet after putting the hand pistol at my back and the pocket knife at a hole in my sneaker.

I covered my face with the hoodie cap I wore as I locked Randa's door and got walking out of her apartment. The moment I got out of her apartment I saw a cab right at the front of her apartment. It seems a neighbor had dropped down, I quickly boarded it and headed to my destination.


Getting to the building, the place where all the illegal rackets of Arnoldo Fernandez takes place, I got off the car and paid off the man. As he drove off, I stood at the front of the building watching the building, I saw few men parading around the vicinity. I need to act calm, so they wouldn't harm Randa.

I started walking, taking the position and places men have been kept around with my eyes as I walked slowly to the front door. I reached the first door and I saw the guard that has been there since when I got involved with that monster of a man.

"Hey Caryl, you're back again?" He asked sounding excited.

"Not really, boss wants to see me for some issues, hence I am here." I said to the guard lying through my clenched teeth.

"Oh okay, get in then." He punched the codes into the system and the door opened up as I walked in, I looked around and saw the surveillance guards at the hall way, I passed them all without uttering a word to any.

I reached the second floor and I saw a guy I have never seen.

"And you are?" He asked with a cold tone.

"Sarand." I said to him and he opened up the door using same name I gave to him.

Wow, he didn't change the settings, even after i left, nice.

Sarand is the code name Arnoldo Fernandez gave to me, because of certain system have been set in that way. It's only our code name we could use to access the system, due to security reasons.

As I walk down the second hall to Arnoldo's office, the pain in my chest increased every passing seconds. I wonder what state Randa might be in. Finally, here I am standing right at his cabin. Without knocking, I opened the door and walked inside and I saw a man sitting on the office chair facing the wall as his back faced the door way.

"Welcome, Caryl Balencentra, the first and ex heir to the Balencentra's." He said scornfully as he slowly turned to face me and I saw that grey eyes that looked so empty.

"Why have you held Miranda captive, she did you no harm?" I asked calmly but only I know the storm that is brewing inside me, my inside feels extremely hot, like a volcano wants to erupt.

"C'mon, you know how I do, you shouldn't be so surprised that your beloved little working class girlfriend is with me."

"Fine, I'm here now, let her go!"

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