Chapter 14: Caryl

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Mature content at the middle of the chapter, feel free to skip if you're not comfortable.

For few days I have been staying at Randa's apartment without going out, it's always Randa that goes for groceries shopping and all other stuffs.

I am really happy that Randa let me stay at her place.

"Babe, I have made your breakfast, and make sure you eat and take your meds okay?" I heard Randa said to me.

"Yes Randa."

"I am going to work now, so see you when I get back okay!" She said smiling.

"Okay Rads." I said and got up to kiss her.

"We're gonna have some fun when you get back, okay?" I said with a naughty voice.

"Yes Caryl we will, bye then." She said and left hurriedly. As she left I sat down.

Hmmm now am all alone in this apartment. I think I would go out today but in disguise because I know Arnoldo's men are out there looking for me.

Getting up I went to the room to go get a hoodie and a spec, so I could go out to some bar or maybe I would go meet up with Scott and co. It's been a while I haven't seen those freaking crazy friends of mine.

I grabbed my black hoodie, with a pair of black jeans and a pair of sneakers. Oh I almost forgot my specs. I went to the side table where Randa keeps them but I couldn't find them. Where did Randa keep those specs? I opened the closet and I found them laying inside the wardrobe. Got you!

Opening the door to step out I remembered i haven't eaten my breakfast nor did I take my medications either, oh shit Rads would take me to task if she meets it when she's back.

I shut the door back and I went into the kitchen and I saw the meal Randa prepared which was; toast breads with some butter at the top and she made some egg sauce. She kept it at the kitchen counter. I didn't see the tea, so I checked inside the microwave and saw it there, oh well it's not even the tea but a hot water, I guess I have to make it myself then.

I grabbed the water out, took a tea bag and dipped it into the water after that I got cubes of sugar and also dipped it in. I got closer to the meal Randa kept at the kitchen counter and I saw some baked beans by the side of the plate and she also fried some mushrooms for me because I love eating fried mushrooms.

Seeing all that, my stomach began grumbling for food, I began banqueting on the food and within few minutes I was done. Oh Randa you're such an amazing cook.

Immediately I finished I got my medications and took them and I left the apartment, I locked the door leaving the key under the flower vase beside Randa's door.

Where the fuck is my phone? Oh no I forgot it at the kitchen counter oh God. I quickly went back to take the key and unlocked the door, I got inside picked my phone and dialed Scott's number.

Ring, Ring, Ring no answer, I dialed again.

Ring, Ring, Ring. "Hello." I heard Scott's voice from the other side. "What's up dude?" He asked.

"Am doing well. Are you home I want to come over?" I asked him.

"Yeah am home, Chael and Riel are also around with me." He replied.

"Okay, I would be there in a few." I said coming out of the house and locking the door putting the key in it's place.

"Okay." He said and hung up.

Going out I took a Cab to Scott's place.

After 25 minutes driving I finally reached his house. I got in and saw Chael and Riel playing video game and I decided to chirp in.

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